Rehearsing for our leavers' show
Here are some of our worthy trophy
winners for 2018.
They are given for a wide range of things such as achievement, effort, peer mediating, contribution to the school as well as sport.
Please see our Winmarleigh link at the top of the page for some photos.
Just a reminder that you are welcome to come and join the fun with our sports day on Tuesday 12th June in the afternoon at Meols Cop field.
Hopefully we will see you there!
Thank you to everyone who took part in Monday's school worship and today's Hands on History exhibition after school.
We outlined the story of our history since Stone Age Britain.
There is a slide show of this in the British values section and photos of all the History ambassadors in their costumes in the ambassador section here in the Year 6 area.
We have our winners for our Australia competition.
Five Year 6 pupils put a tremendous effort into their entries for this competition. Their work was inspiring and informative. In the photos below you can see four of them receiving their prizes in worship time today. There are also photos of their work and the PowerPoints that three of them did.
Well done and thank you to them all.
Thank you to all who could attend the meeting today regarding the SATs briefing. If you were not able to attend, please find all the necessary information by clicking on the 'SATs' icon at the top of the page.
Hello and welcome back to the Spring term!
We hope you have had a lovely and relaxing break and a fantastic Christmas!
This half term is a 5 week term and a very busy one.
We have our SATs briefing next week and there are two sessions for you to choose from to attend:
Session 1 is on Tuesday 16th January at 2:30pm.
Session 2 is on Tuesday 16th January at 5:30pm.
It is not too late to hand in your reply slip and secure your place to attend. The aim of the session is to provide you with information regarding SATs and what to expect as well as how best to support your child. We hope you can make it and we look forward to seeing you there!
PE is still on a Thursday so children need to have their PE kits in school before then. Homework will still be given out on Fridays and is due in on Wednesdays. Year 6 were very good at handing in their homework in on time- let’s keep this up.
We also have a spelling workshop on Tuesday 6th February. If you would like to attend and haven’t already done so, please bring in your reply slip indicating which session you are attending.
Session 1: 2:30-3:00.
Session 2: 5:30-6:00.
We are excited to share our new topics with you this term. All the activities we get up to you can find on the ‘Spring term’ icon at the top of the page.
Christmas is nearly here!
Your child has now been given their part for the Christmas production and have been given their costume list. Children's costumes will need to be in by Friday 8th December ready for their dress rehearsal and performance next week.
The performance is Thursday 14th December at 6:00pm. We hope you can join us.
Welcome to our Year 6 class page and welcome back!
We hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready for our exciting and final year at St Philip’s!
We have the fantastic Mrs Lund and Mrs Pritchard, who help us a great deal in Year 6 during the mornings.
The children have settled in well over the first two weeks back and are starting to take on their Year 6 responsibilities and are very eager to meet their ‘Buddy’ in Reception!
Our ‘Buddy’ assembly will take place on: Wednesday 11th October at 2:30pm.
More information will follow at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening, which will take place this
Wednesday 20th September at 6:30 and will finish at 7:00pm.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Please note: The dates for the Year 6 residential trip are:
Wednesday 6th June - Friday 8th June 2018.