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School Clubs

We offer a wide range of extra curricular clubs.  There is something for everyone.

Please keep up to date with our termly timetable.

All of our providers are carefully checked and vetted and we ensure they provide risk assessments, safety and insurance information and other documentation in line with KCSiE. 

Netball Club 2024

Club pictures 2022

After school Clubs 2022


Homework Club places will be allocated in the following order…Pupil Premium children,  Children with a Social worker, children falling below the expected standard for their age and then other children 


 Please click the link to see photos of our Worship warriors for this year! 

Year 2 Mulitsports

Board Games Club (Y3)

Some photos of History club in action last week advertising our local area

History club meets on Tuesday lunchtimes

Fencing Assembly

We had a wonderful assembly about Fencing today.  The group brought all the equipment and showed us how to take part in matches.  This is all in readiness for the Fencing Club which they will be running