Summer Term - Welcome back after Easter!
We are so excited to welcome you back into this new term. More learning, more times tables and more fun to be had for sure. I can't believe it but we are now in the final stretch of Year 4!
We are now allowing summer uniform to be worn. We will continue with Music Mondays, an amazing opportunity run by Sefton Wider Ops with brass instruments in class. PE has now swapped days to Tuesdays and Thursdays only unless otherwise notified. Full kit to be worn on those days.
Spellings continue as normal, all lists and homework tasks can be found on the class page. We will also be uploading photos over the course of the year so visit the website for our updates.
I look forward to our final term together - it should be a great one!
Many thanks,
Mr Vernon
Spring Term - Welcome back after Christmas!
Mr Vernon and Mrs Day are excited to welcome you back into this new term. More learning, more times tables and more fun to be had for sure.
We now have Music Mondays with Sefton Wider Ops coming in to educate children with brass instruments in class. This is an exciting opportunity and we look forward to all that comes with this amazing opportunity.
PE has now swapped days to Tuesdays and Wednesdays only unless otherwise notified. Full kit to be worn on those days.
Spellings continue as normal, all lists and homework tasks can be found on the class page. We will also be uploading photos over the course of the year so pop by and visit the website for our updates.
I look forward to another amazing term with you all.
Many thanks,
Mr Vernon
Autumn Term - Welcome to Year 4!
We are so happy to welcome you into Year 4. This year, myself (Mr Vernon), Mrs Day and Mrs Edwards will be working with the children everyday in their learning journey. Along with regular teaching, we will provide reading slots, TTRS practice and taking some children for interventions.
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays and PE kits should be worn to school on those days. Please ensure jewellery is removed, hair is tied back and trainers are black or white and for sport. This term the children will be swimming on a Thursday and should still come to school in their PE kits, bringing their swimming things with them in a bag.
Spellings are tested every Friday. Please ensure your child has reviewed and practiced spellings lists for the coming week.
I hope to have an amazing first term with you all,
Mr Vernon