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Thursday 16th July

Hello my little mathematicians, it is our final day today sad

I thought you may like to test your knowledge and understanding of the work we did on measurement of mass, capacity and temperature. 

I have included an interactive PowerPoint for you to join in with. 


I have also added some Activity Mats for you to have a go at. The answers are included so you can check your work.  yes

These mats cover all the different topics from this half-term and are a great way to revise work you have done before as we all forget things. They are made up of lots of different questions on different topics.

I hope you enjoy doing them.

Love from 

Mrs Afford heart

Wednesday 15th July

Good morning my little mathematicians smiley

We are still looking at money today. We will be investigating matching the numbers of coins to the amounts required to be made and then finding the difference between amounts. 

Remember finding the difference is subtracting one amount from another.

Tuesday 14th July

Good morning everyone smiley

I hope you are ready for some more investigating today.

Today you are going to investigate coins so you will need some plastic coins or some real ones. 

You will need to place the coins in order from the smallest value to the largest.

Do you notice anything?

Do we have a 4p coin? Why do you think this is?

What coins would you use to make 17p?

What coins would you use to make 46p

If you do not have any coins, you can look at the picture below to help you.

Monday 13th July

Good moring Year 2! smiley

If you were in school, you would be doing assessments and consolidation activities. For this reason, we will be looking at some investigations to revise work you have already carried out to ensure you have fully understood.

Today we are investigating pyramids. A pyramid is a 3D shape.

It can have a triangular base or a square base.


Friday 10th July

Good morning my little mathematicians smiley

I do hope you have been enjoying the work we have been doing on measuring. 

You have worked so hard and done so much, including mass, capacity and temperature!

You should be proud of yourselves, I certainly am proud of you all laugh


Today you are going to be doing some consolidation activities in all three areas. It is a big word but it just means bringing all your learning together and going over it with new questions to make sure it securely in your head. wink

There are different levels of work, so find the one that you feel most confident doing. You can always try a more challenging one later.

Enjoy your weekend everyone

Love from

Mrs Afford heart

Consolidation Measuring Activities

Interactive Games

Thursday 9th July

Good morning Y2 smiley

Today we are continuing to investigate temperature.

You will be reading the temperatures scales on thermometers, finding the approximate place for a temperature on a less detailed scale, solving everyday problems and reading tables showing temperature.

Gosh that seems a lot doesn't it? surprise​​​​​​


Once again, have a go at the True or False question first to see what you can remember from yesterday.



some thermometer scales are shown in both degrees Celsius and Degrees Fahrenheit.

some scales go up in different amounts

some are harder to read than others

Celsius is 0-100 degrees (0 = freezing point & 100 = boiling point)

Wednesday 8th July

Good morning everyone laugh

Today we are looking at temperature. The temperature outside has changed this week hasn't it? It is not as warm as it has been. We measure temperature on a scale just like we measure mass. 

We use a thermometer to measure temperature.

The unit we use to measure temperature is degrees Celcius.

This is a scale of 0-100, with  0 degrees Celsius being freezing point and 100 degrees Celsius being boiling point.

Thermometers Showing Degrees Celsius

We used to use Fahrenheit and you will still often see temperatures measured using this scale.

Many thermometers have both scales on them as you can see on the examples below.


The thermometers showing red are above freezing and use positive numbers = 5C

The thermometers showing blue are below freezing and they use negative numbers = -5C

Thermometers showing both Celsius and Fahrenheit

Measuring Temperature and Reading Thermometer Scales

Tuesday 7th July

Good morning Y2 smiley

Are you ready to do some more reading of scales to find out how many litres a container holds?

Today we are continuing to work in litres. 

Remember that we measure larger amounts in litres, such as large bottles of water or fizzy drinks.

Some bottles contain 11/2 litres.

If 1 litre = 1000 millilitres, how many millilitres are in 1/2 litre?

1000 divided by 2 or halved = 500. therefore, 1/2 litre = 500 millilitres

11/2 litres = 1 litre + 1/2 litre = 1000ml + 500 ml = 1500 ml 

I have placed the True or False question first, have a go at it before looking at the powerpoint, to see what you remember from yesterday. wink

Monday 6th July

Good morning Y2 laugh

Today we are going to be measuring in litres. 

1 litre = 1000 millilitres 1l = 1000 ml

We measure larger amounts of liquid in litres.

Complete the interactive Powerpoint and look carefully at the scales on the containers.

Some scales increase in 1s, others 2s, 5s, 10s, 50s or 100s. You should always check

Friday 3rd July

Good morning Y2, it's Friday!

This week we have been investigating capacity and volume. Both measure the amount of liquid a container can hold.

Today you are going to continue to measure using millimetres.  Only small amounts of liquid is measured in millilitres and we measure larger amounts in litres.


Fizzy drinks in large bottles usually contain 1litre or 2litres whereas a can contains less than 1/2litre (usually 330ml)

Use your knowledge of capacity to work out the answers and solve some of the problems in today's work.

Thursday 2nd July

Good morning Year 2 laugh

Today we are continuing to investigate the amount of liquid a container can hold. We will be comparing volume. Yesterday we were comparing capacity.

In science, capacity refers to the amount of liquid a container can hold, expressed in units like litres (L), millilitres (ml), etc.

In mathematics, capacity means the same thing as volume.


Wednesday 1st July

Good morning laugh


Today we are looking at comparing capacity (the amount of liquid a container can hold or has in it.)

Have a go at the interactive PowerPoint and then the activities. there is a reasoning and problem solving activity and a comparing capacity activity.

Capacity is measured in millilitres, centilitres and litres.

Today we are looking at millilitres.

           1000 millilitres = 1 litre (1000ml = 1l)

You will be also using words such as; full, half full, half empty, empty and looking at fractions of amount. Is the container a quarterfull or half full.

Tuesday 30th June

Good morning Y2  smiley

Today we are still looking at measuring mass in Kilograms. 

Can you remember how many grams are in a kilogram? 

1000grams  = 1 kilogram (100g = 1Kg)

Watch the interactive PowerPoint and then there are two sets of worksheets for you. One set is on problem solving and reasoning and the other is looking at comparisons. These sets contain three different levels of work to complete. You only have to do one sheet from each set unless you want to challenge yourself.

There is also an activity sheet mixing grams and kilograms and you need to use the symbols < and > to show which weight is more than or less than the other.


Monday 29th June

Good morning Year 2 laugh

I do hope you enjoyed learning about measuring mass in grams.

This week we are looking at measuring mass in kilograms. 

 Do you remember?       1000 grams = 1kilogram


We weigh heavier objects and items in kilograms (Kg) things like watermelons, sugar and potatoes.


    *** Did you know that gold and silver are measured in grams and kilograms? ***

Friday 26th June

Happy friday everyone smiley

Today you will be continuing with measuring mass in grams but with some problem solving too.


The activity sheets are all about reading the scales on the balances to see what the items weigh. 


Unfortunately, I was unable to separate them, so all the different levels of work; standard, more challenging and confident are in this one document.


There is also some work on Problem Solving.

If you do one activity sheet and are feeling like you could do the next level up, have a go! laugh


Have a lovely weekend and I will be back on Monday when we will be looking at Measuring In Kilograms.

Love From,

Mrs Afford heart


Thursday 25th June

Good morning laugh

How did get on with your weighing yesterday? I do hope you had fun, finding out the different mass of objects and items.

How many different kinds of scales did you find?

Today we are going to investigate measuring in grams. 

A gram is a unit of measurement

It is a small unit and a gram does not weigh much. We measure fairly light things in grams.

There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram. We will be looking at kilograms later on.


When you are weighing things, you often need to read the scale on the balance to find the answer. The scales are often different.

Some weighing scales are digital and these show the weight in digits. You have to check which measurement you are on though. It can be changed; grams to kilograms to pounds etc.


Measuring Mass in Grams

Wednesday 24th June

Welcome back to our maths learning everyone.

We are continuing to explore the measuring of mass.


Today, I would like you to find some objects around your home to weigh.

Did you find some scales or balances?


The most common ones in a home nowadays are; kitchen scales, bathroom scales and luggage scales.

People want to measure food when following a recipe, weigh themselves and check their suitcase is not too heavy to be allowed on to a plane.


You may have more than one kind of kitchen scale - I do. I have one with a pan on top and the scale underneath as well as a digital one. They look completely different but do the same job.


Find people in your family to weigh, measure different foods and if youhave a luggage scale, fill a bag with different items and see which is heavier or ligher.


You can record your findings with pictures or lists, one column for heaviest and one for the lightest. I will leave that to you.


The PowerPoint below shows you how to compare mass. It is interactive so have a go at working out the answers before you click on them (you will need to have the PowerPoint in slideshow mode for this).

You will also be revising the mathematical language for comparing mass.

  *** lighter, heavier, less than, the same as, heaviest, lightest, more than, equal to ***

This is just like our English work today - making comparisons!


Units Of Measurement - Mass

Tuesday 23rd June

Hello Y2,

Are you ready for some more work on Measure?


This is a different PowerPoint but it is still all about comparing mass (weight).

It is interactive so you join in as you are watching it. Remember to watch it in 'Slideshow' mode though.

Ask an adult if they have any scales or balances that you can use for tomorrow's lesson. 

These can be very different. Some are digital, some are pan balances, some look like seasaws and others have a front circular dial and you put what you are weighing on the top. I have some added some pictures of the different types.


It is important that you get used to seeing the different types and know how to read them so you can complete your calculations.


There are two lots of activity sheets today. On each one, there are three levels of work. I was unable to separate them, but this way you can choose which one you want to do.


The Varied Fluency Activity Sheets are an extension, a challenge for those who want one. wink

Different Kinds of Scales and Balances

Monday 22nd June

Good morning Y2 smiley


This week we will be investigating measure.  


Today you will be looking at comparing mass  (weight).



We will be looking at balancing scales. You do not need to worry about what the items actually weigh today as we are focussing on whether an object is;

    heavier than 


    lighter than


These scales often look like a seasaw.

The side with the heavier object is lower, and the side with the lighter object is higher.

** If the two objects weigh the same, the balance will be level. **


How Does A Balance Work?

Heavier Than or Lighter Than

Friday 19.6.20

15. Practise finding how many coins are needed to make a given value

The fifteenth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For...

Thursday 18.6.20

14. Find how many coins are needed to make a given value

The fourteenth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. Fo...

Wednesday 17.6.20

13. Find the total amount by combining different coins

The thirteenth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. Fo...

Tuesday 16.6.20

12. Use coins within the context of a shop

The twelfth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a...

Monday 15.6.20

11. Compare the value of sets of coins (different denominations)

The eleventh lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For ...

Friday 12.6.20

10. Consider the value of a set of 5p coins and a set of 10p coins

The tenth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a f...

Thursday 11.6.20

9. Consider the value of a set of 2p coins

The ninth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a f...

Wednesday 10.6.20

8. Consider the value of 2p, 5p and 10p coins

Learn to tell time: quarter past, half past and quarter to

This video introduces kids to quarter past, half past and quarter to using their knowledge of basic fractions. The Complete Book of Time and Money (http://ti...

Tuesday 9.6.20

7. Introduction and comparison of 2p, 5p and 10p coins

The seventh lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a...

Monday 8.6.20

6. Introduction of money and the 1p coin

The sixth lesson on multiplication, aimed at 2 pupils, in a series produced by the NCETM during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a f...

Friday 5.6.20

5. Build the concept of units of 5, count in fives and count on from a multiple of 5

The fifth lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced during the school closures period in summer 2020. For a full list of l...

Thursday 4.6.20

4. Count on from a multiple of 10 and identify the number of tens in a multiple of 10

Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 4 - Odd and even numbers

This is "Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 4 - Odd and even numbers" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Wednesday 3.6.20

Maths warm up Build the concept of units of 10 and count in tens

The third lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced during the school closures period in summer 2020.

Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 3 - Grouping

Follow the video and then complete the worksheet.

This is "Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 3 - Grouping" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Tuesday 2.6.20

2. Count in twos and count on from a multiple of 2

Description: The second lesson on multiplication, aimed at Year 2 pupils, in a series produced during the school closures period in summer 2020.

Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 2 - Sharing

This is "Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 2 - Sharing" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Follow the video and then complete the worksheets.

Monday 1.6.20

1. Build the concept of units of 2 and count the number of groups of 2

Revising counting in 2s.

Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 1 - The 10 times-table

This is "Year 2 - Week 6 - Lesson 1 - The 10 times-table" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Friday 22.5.20

Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 4 - The 5 times-table

This is "Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 4 - The 5 times-table" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Thursday 21.5.20

Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 3 - The 2 times-table

This is "Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 3 - The 2 times-table" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Wednesday 19.5.20

Today I would like you to find as many different arrays around your house or garden as you can.


Please record the arrays you find with either photographs or pictures and write the corresponding number sentences.


Look at the maths tasks document for an example. 

Why not share your arrays on the Year 2 blog?


Tuesday 19.5.20 


Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 2 - Use arrays

This is "Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 2 - Use arrays" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Monday 18.5.20

Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 1 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol

This is "Year 2 - Week 5 - Lesson 1 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the...

Friday 15.5.20

Thursday 14.5.20

Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 4 - Bonds to 100 (tens and ones)

This is "Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 4 - Bonds to 100 (tens and ones)" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love...

Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 3 - Subtract 2-digit numbers

This is "Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 3 - Subtract 2-digit numbers" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 2 - Add 2-digit numbers

This is "Year 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 2 - Add 2-digit numbers" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Friday 8th May

Happy VE Day everyone. 

There is no maths set for today, enjoy VE Day with your families and get involved with activities suggested by Mrs Lund. 


Follow the ks1 lesson first


Then look for ideas on Mrs Lund's poster.

Friday 1.5.20

Friday 24.4.20

Wednesday 25.3.20
