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Children's University graduation video 2024

Children's university graduation 2023 @ Edge Hill!

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Children's University graduation video 2023

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10 Years of Children's University!

What is Children's University?

Children's University graduation 2022!

The hat throw! 2022

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CU graduation 2022

Well done to everyone who graduated this year! You have worked so hard and been to so many clubs and new experiences during your time in the infants and the juniors. It was amazing to have parents in school to share the experience this year as well! A special mention to our Outstanding Achiever Joshua Smith!

Children's University Graduations 2021


Please find below a number of Children's University clubs that children can participate in from home.

There are 4 themed clubs – Keep Active, History Around Me, Around the World and Creative.

Each club has 6 activities (1 hour per week) and includes an overview grid which looks like our holiday challenge plus an activity overview sheet. Work can either be brought into school each week or alternatively sent to Mr Highton as photo evidence.

We will be adding to these virtual clubs over the course of the year and they will hopefully keep credits rolling in, If anyone has any questions please ask!

Coming soon...

Sefton Children’s University are currently working on a digital club which is going enable children to complete activities at home as a way of obtaining extra Children’s University credits.

Pupils at our school are invited to participate in the Children’s University Scheme. The scheme aims to reward a pupil’s voluntary engagement with learning beyond the school day. Pupils obtain credits for attendance at clubs and showing a commitment to learning, outside of the school day.

At St Philip's C.E. Primary School we strive to provide a wide range of clubs that meet the interests and abilities of our pupils, whilst developing skills and raise aspirations for the future. We offer a wide range of sports clubs (netball, gymnastics, football, multi-sport), arts clubs (choir, recorders, dance, puppets, art), plus leadership opportunities (play leaders, worship warriors, history  and academic clubs (homework, Language Angels).

Pupils receiving sufficient credits, at the end of each Key Stage, are invited to a graduation day. This is held annually, usually at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, in the Summer Term.

Our pupils can also gain additional credits through the Passport to Learning Scheme. Pupils collect credits in their own Children’s University Passport by learning at verified “Public Learning Destinations” across Merseyside and beyond.  Learning Destinations are places and organisations that children can ‘travel’ with their Passport. They provide high-quality learning activities and experiences with a ‘wow’ factor and have passed the Children’s University’s own quality assurance process. A Learning Destination can range from a museum to a farm or from an airport to a university as long as the learning activity connects with Children’s University learning. Passports can be purchased from the school. Please see Sefton Children’s University website for an up to date list of accredited Learning Destinations.





Children's University Movie 2019

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