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Worship Warriors

Worship Warriors


We are responsible for ensuring that our school value  ‘Christ in everything we do’ is true. We meet once a week with Mrs Cooper or Mrs Edward. In our meetings we do lots of different things- we plan whole school prayer spaces days, whole-school worship, we look around our school for evidence of Christian values, we meet with Tabz and Reverend Marie- anne to talk about our group and show them our R.E work. We also discuss ways of raising money for charities, and also for our school, so we are able to buy more wonderful things to help us worship.


Worship Warriors develop lots of skills including; planning, leadership, team work, developing speaking and listening skills.


There are lots of links to the curriculum with our group; RE, English, Art, PSCHE and even Geography!


Our impact around school is huge and we think our work is really important.

We visited Woodlands care home to start our collage art projects

  Last week we had  our first visit to the Dementia care home- we started planning ideas for our joint Art project. We had a lovely time and can't wait to go back again! 

Worship Warriors visit to Woodlands carehome

Worship Warriors 2023-24

Worship Warriors and History Ambassadors visit to Woodlands- DDay celebrations

As part of our Worship theme 'perseverance' for this half term our Worship Warriors led whole school worship. 

 Easter gifts for Woodlands care home

The Worship Warriors have been busy making Easter cards to deliver to the Dementia care home  .

Letter of thanks - Woodlands

Worship Warriors visit to Woodlands Dementia home- helping plant seeds

Worship Warriors visit to Woodlands care home - caring for residents with Dementia

Worship Warriors completing some Art work about what makes our school special

Spotted! Values in action around our school

We made Christmas cards for the children in the Postpals charity

We brought some RE work we are proud of to show Mrs Cooper

Our new Worship warriors for 2021-22 making prayer boats for Rev. Marie-anne to take on the prayer walk to Glasgow



This is our new group of Worship Warriors for this year- we are looking forward to meeting together and making sure that 'Christ is in everything we do' in our school.


Worship warriors prayer time- praying for prayers on our prayer wall


 Whole school values homework and Harvest offering- Service 


A group of Worship Warriors visited the food bank to take the donations of food from our R.E Values homework for Autumn 1 and Harvest offering.


We were able to see behind the scenes where the food is weighed, sorted and stored ready to give out to people who need some extra help.


We learnt that there are over 100 people who regularly serve and donate their time for free to help the Foodbank run smoothly.

Worship warriors visit the Foodbank storage unit at Lakeside church


Two worship warriors and myself went to the Liverpool Diocesan offices in Liverpool to spend time thinking about our school vision and how we put it into action in school. We had a great time and came back to school ready with our action plan to share with the other Worship Warriors. 

Vision Ambassadors morning at Liverpool Diocesan

Parachute prayers!

Leading worship on Faith in action day

Prayer buckets!

My idea came from a ‘bucket list’ where you put lots of ideas of things you would like to do. In a prayer bucket you write your prayer  on a piece of paper and then post it into the bucket! If  you want to these can be shared in class worship.

The prayer buckets are all around the school for everyone to use, even the teachers can put a prayer in as there is one in the staffroom!  There is also one in the entrance by the Office so that visitors and parents can put a prayer in as well.


By Phoebie Edward Y6

Rev. Marie- Anne leading our Shrove Tuesday worship

Visiting the church prayer meeting

Delivering our love gift to Lakeside church


We organised a cake sale to raise money to buy a prayer wall for the hall. It was a fantastic day- children and staff visited the sale during the day. In our open afternoon our families came and bought cakes too! We raised over £200! We  ordered a beautiful prayer wall which is hung in our school and being used by everyone.

Thank you to everyone who sent cakes in and bought cakes!  

Our beautiful new prayer wall

Leading worship- Friendship

Worship warriors Cake sale

Worship Warriors leading worship with the help of the Schools Work team

Look at our bible time line day photos! We had a great time and finished with a special worship time.
