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British Values



We strive to ensure that our children are well prepared for the world outside.  


We aspire for them to be tolerant, and  respectful of other cultures and faiths 

Using their freedoms wisely

as law abiding citizens

who have a real life handle on our democratic system

and understand how they can influence that for the good of themselves and others.  


Below is our British Values statement and below that a flavour of what we do with pupils to develop their understanding of the key

British Values

 Agents for Change

Faith in Action



Year 6 led a fabulous series of learning stations for the rest of the school

Highlighting equality - courage - actions that make our world a better place


 General Election is coming!

Year 6 are creating their own political parties 

They will create manifestos, logos and speeches

Every vote counts! 

We are also holding a whole school election




 The results are in for St Philips!

All our candidates did a great job

The constituents listened to them very respectfully

The vote was done in an organised fashion with election officials checking it was done correctly.

The ballot was counted and verified.

Thank you to all the year 6 pupils involved in the different roles 

Joint last - with 1/8 of the vote each = 

Reform and Conservatives

In 3rd place - with just under a quarter of the votes = Labour

In 2nd with a slightly higher proportion = The Green Party

1st = Liberal Democrats with over a 1/4 of the votes




Some of the election posters for the Year 6 political manifestos

The vote is still being counted!

 Diversity - Respect

We are all taking part in this huge online assembly 

Refugee Week June 2024

Year 6 took part in an online workshop with The Anne Frank Trust

It featured the novelist Tom Palmer who has written about refugee experiences across time

This workshop focussed on the stories of Anne Frank and a Danish woman called Henny.

We are also using the picture book – The Arrival to explore refugee experiences more

We have listened to the French song – Mercy about a baby born on a boat at sea during a refugee journey.

This is all part of our developing respect and tolerance.

 We have lots of pupil leadership groups -

Here the History Ambassadors share their expertise with other classes- a Victorian Play 

 2nd May - local elections

Year 6 pupils discussed how democracy is more than just voting -

Pupils can contact their MP and councillors anytime - to express their views

They can join groups to improve our local area


Earth Day 



For our planet 

All pupils took part in this


They brought in single use plastic items that they had at home

They created wonderful art with this

Whilst learning about different biomes

Pictures to follow

 Time Traveller's History Club

This club was part of Sefton's 50th anniversary celebrations 

The children did so much to learn more about their community-

See below 


Hands of Humility 

Love My Community 

These involve our role as citizens - showing respect for others and our community


We are using lent to focus on how we can bring light into our community

We are writing 5 ideas onto our Hands of Humility designs - ways in which we can improve the lives of those around us

This can be simple acts like ensuring we say 'Thank you' - Sending a card to an older relative - offering to wash up! 

On Love My Community Day we raised money by wearing yellow





Holocaust Memorial Day January 2024

Our History Ambassadors led  class worship on this  in the  the junior classes

We linked in British Values – how we live where we are free and where our laws promote respect and tolerance.

We learned about Southport’s connections to events in the 1930s –  Our local Jewish cemetery

Jewish refugees who were welcomed here – people who welcomed them


We thought about how the Bible teaches us to love – to show kindness especially to those who are far from home

Big Picture News

We use this to help us consider and debate current news topics linked to our

British Values 

 Our choir has been demonstrating service by singing on our local community - bringing JOY and happiness. 

We had a

Peace Art Day

We thought about how we can bring peace where we live -

with kindness and caring

We promote

Friendship and Anti Bullying! 

Thank you to our History Ambassadors

who have been visiting classes to share their expertise on the Romans 

This pre-teaches the younger classes and

acts as a revisit of prior knowledge for Y5 and Y6.

It is part of learning that our values include rights and duties - duties of service. 


We have been finding out about our relatives and how they served in war time.

Some were women who were part of the WAAF and WVS; others were part of the Land Army.

Some were men who fought overseas - in Egypt and France; others were in the Polish Amy and Airforce. 

We have researched the role of those from across the globe who served to protect our freedoms -

Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs - from the Caribbean, countries in Africa and in India.

Some of our relatives fought in the Australian and New Zealand forces. 

History Ambassadors have visited our local cemetery to see the war graves and memorials

In school classes used poetry to focus on remembrance - developing performance voices

Some photos are below 

Classes have been learning about topics related to Black History Month

Some of the inspiring people we learned about

Ruby Bridges

Martin Luther King

Rosa Park

Harriet Tubman

Garrett Morgan 



A Royal Visit to Southport! 

Children and staff represented our school at the rededication of our magnficent war memorial

Honouring those who served to defend our freedoms - our British Values

 We won the competition below - again!

Celebrating Lilian Bader - the first black woman to join the women's RAF in World War Two


Below is a link to Polish Day at The Atkinson...

promoted to all our children

Invictus Games 2023 - Dusseldorf- Germany 


Year groups drew attention to this event -

Promoting respect

Highlighting diversity

Honouring service 

All round school we are choosing and developing our leadership groups -

Here are just some of them

School Councillors

Worship Warriors

Eco Warriors

History Ambassadors 


We have new British Values posters around the school - thankyou Year 6! 

 Year 6 have been working on entries for this year's Mersey Police Black History Month competition - looking at a range of local figures for the theme

Black and Proud 


Here are just a few of the fabulous pieces so far

 Year 5 are spending several days this week workshopping with the Anne Frank Trust

Voices for Equality




Year 6 learned about Alan Turing - a computer genius who was crucial to our victory in World War Two 

Also the Dick, Kerr women's football team that was based in Preston before women's league football was banned - and one of their stars Lily Parr. 

June 23rd -

Our Rainbow Equality Day 


 Year 6 Smile Project



Working in teams to raise money for our local dementia care home 


History Ambassadors - being school citizens - helping Year 1 learn about The Victorians 

History Ambassadors playing their part - helping the Southport Townscape Heritage Project develop new educational activities

Using their history detective skills to investigate a diary from 1862 in which a group of people travelled from Yorkshire to holiday here. 



Faith in Action Day

Year 6 leading learning stations about aspects of faiths in action - broadening our understanding of the people we meet -

mutual respect and tolerance. 




Eurovision is coming to our City Region - Liverpool! 

This event absolutely plays in to our British values -

We are hosting on behalf of Ukraine showing our support for others

The contest celebrates diversity and promotes tolerance and understanding across cultures and identities 

Not all European countries have the individual liberty that we have - to be who we want to be

See the links here for what the BBC is offering and for what Southport is doing too


The first coronation of our lifetimes! 

This is the first coronation ever for staff and pupils in our school! 

It is an historic moment that celebrates our British Culture  

It is a sacred ceremony - King Charles is keen to include a range of people from different faiths - to show our British values of respect and tolerance - that we are all valued



Watch this space to see how we celebrate on Friday 5th May 

Throughout the year we ensure that girls are inspired to achieve and be whatever they want to be - for example highlighting opportunities in STEM with online workshops with female scientists

We love to link with our fabulous local resource - The Atkinson

Knowing more about the world outside of our school - art, history, culture, music and theatre

See the latest competition here

 SO many children and families took part in our History Atkinson Challenge during February half term! 

Getting out into our town and learning more about it. 

 Fair trade - Tabz linked our worship about the Bible story of Joseph - to issues of fairness

How to act wisely when we feel things are not fair - making good choices.

We are free to make our own decisions

We have a duty to respect others

We have a democracy in which we have a voice to change things - we don't have to wait to vote to have a say 

The Rule of Law allows us to voice our opinions peacefully 


Half way through the year - here is a snap shot of our classes from Reception to Year 6 exploring British Values 

From having inspiring speakers and workshops to encourage us to be the best that we can be - individual liberty 

Supporting charities - respect

Visiting a local care home to connect with those who might feel lonely - respect

Learning about the how to stay safe - Rule of Law

Bully buster workshops - Rule of Law

Visiting our local mosque - mutual respect

Diwali dancing - respect 



Holocaust Memorial Day is

January 27th

Mutual Respect and Tolerance 


History Ambassadors have been preparing for this event -

with antisemitism in the news it is more important than ever to educate ourselves about this topic.


We visited our local Jewish Cemetery and laid stones of remembrance along with a minute's silence.

We discussed how the gravestones tell of stories and lives that were touched by the Holocaust over 80 years ago - the effects of which continue to this day. 






 We have created this video on a local connection to the Holocaust to share with other schools -


it is about a woman called Ruth Harris who opened her home in Argyll Road to Jewish refugees in 1939


Leading Holocaust Memorial Day

activities with other year groups 

Big Picture News = Wondering Wednesdays


Pupils have the chance to explore topical issues

with a focus upon British and Christian Values 


we have been taking history out of school and into our homes and local area - some of us even on holiday in places like Wales! 

Here is just a small selection of the results -

talking to relatives and visiting war memorials  

Making sure that we show respect and gratitude for those who have served to protect our British Values 

Learning more about our community  - part of our cultural capital - helping us to became better citizens.


Year 6 attended a premiere at The Atkinson - a fabulous play about Southport's history - We loved it! 'Beyond amazing' was one comment. We learned so much in such an entertaining way.


Afterwards, we visited the Monument - our town's war memorial- to pay our respects in the lead up to Remembrance in November. 


Black History Month 2022 - October


We are very excited this year because one of our Year 6 pupils last year won the Merseyside Police BHM competition - his drawing and our school logo are on the side of a police van all this month!! 

See below for photos of how we are kick starting this important month - more photos will be added as classes do their own focus tasks over the coming weeks


Remembering our Queen September 2022 

Below are some of our reflections  on the life of our queen. 

What could be more 'British Values' than the life of service that she lived?


There are lots of leadership opportunities at our school.

These help develop mutual respect and the skills of active citizenship -

sharing our interests and skills with others - making our school community a better place.

Some examples of leadership -

Digital leaders

Eco Warriors

History Ambassadors

Health Champions 

Worship Warriors

Our link with SASWTrust -

gives us lots of great resources for exploring British and Christian Values - usually through in person worship sessions and workshops - but also with great online resources like the ones below 

Polling Day! May 5th 2022

Here is a detailed account of what Year 6 did in their lunchtime debate - other year groups also practised voting

Year 3 were writing persuasive pieces about school uniform and other topics - they had to try and convince Mrs Day!

Year 4 had fun votes such as does pineapple belong on pizza? - as well as  - would you rather go abroad or stay in UK for holidays? Should pupils have mufti everyday? 

Year 6

Our parents get the chance to vote today – so we got to practise having our say…liberty and democracy

Year 6 had a lunch time debate about school uniform – we used the idea of a speaker to run the debate and the use of ‘bobbing’ to attract their attention if we had something to contribute. We had lots of Right Honourable pupils trying to persuade us for and against.

We then all got to vote in a secret ballot.

We learned about how in the past only rich men could vote – and in public. One pupil suggested that this would mean people voted as their friends did. Back in the day, poorer people felt they had to vote for their bosses and land lords.

We posted our ballots into the ballot box and Mrs Day acted as out ‘teller’ and counted the vote. We had 3 ‘spoiled’ ballots – where the wrong mark had been used.

13 votes were against having school uniform – 8 votes were in favour.

We discussed how in real life when we are unhappy with a democratic result the rule of law  and respect mean that we have to follow what has been decided BUT – in our country we are free to complain and campaign to change this – on social media, in petitions, in contacting our MPs etc.

Serving our community - respect

Creating a church tour to share with our buddies

History Ambassadors have been exploring our local area and are creating a treasure trail for fellow pupils

See below for our Holocaust Memorial Day Worship


History ambassadors led worship –

 sharing what they had learned from their visit to our local cemetery.


Christian Value of humility – the example of Southport resident Ruth Harris who opened her home to Jewish refugees over 80 years ago.


British value of mutual respect and tolerance – celebrating diversity

  • choosing to be kind


We painted remembrance stones – stones are a Jewish tradition of remembrance.


We chose images linked to the different persecuted communities of the Holocaust – alongside Jews there were others who were persecuted – Roma, Sinti, disabled people, gay people and Jehovah’s Witnesses. We noted that even today there are groups who suffer because they are different.

History Ambassadors with their

Holocaust Memorial Day Display


History Ambassadors visit Duke Street Cemetery

Visiting the Jewish section

Preparing for Holocaust Memorial Day

 History Ambassadors designed Christmas cards - inspired by the first Victorian ones -  to sell to family and friends to raise money for charity. 

December - History Ambassadors continue to act as great role models to our Reception children.

Here they are serving our community by giving their time to do chronology activities. 

Inter faith day - Respect-Diversity-  

led by pupils for Christ The King High School

Year 6 Class Worship with Parents - Justice, Equality and Respect 


This is an important part of our British Values - we would not have the society we have today without the sacrifices and service of our relatives in the past.



Below is the display we did for a local shop window - including poetry, art and family photos. 

Below is a video showing the variety of activities we did on our themes of

Diversity and British Values 

Remembrance2021 (1).mp4

Still image for this video

Black History Month

For the second year, all classes undertook activities on this important theme which helps to promote mutual respect and understanding.




The first of our UK Parliament online workshops - in advance of Parliament Week

Year 6 got to interview our MP, Damien Moore

History Ambassadors Autumn 2021 –

back helping the younger pupils as chronology buddies

Our new History Ambassadors – citizens for change 

ready to take responsibility for promoting history

and historical thinking around the school.

International day of Peace - learning about the United Nations

We all had worship time on this theme - learning about being world citizens  - see the PowerPoint below




 Below is our year 2020-2021 and further back in time! 

Learning about the wider world - past and present - is part of appreciating other cultures.

Year 6 Maya Activity day was also about working as part of a team to complete a series of challenges


History competition winners

Taking an interest in the world around us and being create and involved.

The whole school got involved with this and we had wonderful entries from all our year groups. Photos to follow



Knowing the community we live in - and taking an interest in it - is all part of being an active citizen. 

Year 6 have been investigating how Southport is faring  in light of national headlines questioning -

Death of the high street?

We've been undertaking field work about this -

Taking surveys on footfall, occupancy rates, litter and condition of premises.


Overall we have found that Southport seems to be doing better than the national averages in terms of occupancy and we felt there was less litter than we expected (with good provision of bins in most places) and very few instances of vandalism and graffiti. 


The pupils below all got certificates from the competition run by Never Such Innocence.

Their entries were poems on the Korean War and speeches about the use of

animals in World War One.

Florrie got 2nd prize for her speech - from over 3000 entries worldwide. 

Learning about other cultures and how badly they have been treated in the past - these prize winners wrote great speeches and letters to defend the native people of America against those who hated and persecuted them. 

The Census is coming! 

Here is our Wondering Wednesday introduction to this important event - democracy and citizenship


 March 8th - International Women's Day AND Commonwealth Day


Here is a worship that touches on both these important topics - part of our democratic values and mutual respect, equality and fairness

 Fair trade Fortnight - February and March 2021 

Here is our pupil voiced worship on this topic along with a short play voiced by pupils and our school display

 January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day

See the worship video below to mark this international event - mutual respect

Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

A short worship video for January 27th

 Our News Champion Team is up and running!

Helping keep us up to date with news events and exploration of our British Values.

Recently they have been leading Y6 in understanding how to keep safe in this Covid Christmas. 


 Our History Ambassador team have been designing Christmas cards to raise money for charity. 

Because we have been learning about migration and refugees in history we decided to donate to help refugees. 

Remembrance walk

Celebrating our values and the sacrifices made to defend them

 PowerPoint for Parliament Week worship

Parliament Week

Learning how they debate in Parliament.

We chose speakers to direct our debate.

We bobbed to get their attention.

We used the phrase ‘The Right Honourable…’.

We sat down when we weren’t talking.

 We referred to each other’s opinions.

 The question was:

Should we ban zoos?


 Getting ready for Parliament Week 2020

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are taking part in


 Our British values news board keeps updating!

   Our brand new history ambassadors - ready to serve our community!



                                Video and discussion material

Learning about our British values and exercising our freedom of opinion and  speech: sharing our opinions and explaining our ideas

Wondering Wednesday

 Getting ready for Black History Month



Look what we've been doing


                    Windrush podcast below

 Year 6 have been exploring our British Values and designing posters and logos to help revamp our school posters: see below

 We practised our freedom of speech and participated in our democracy by discussing our ideas for the

Southport Town Deal


Today (15.9.2020) is the 80th anniversary of the

Battle of Britain 15th September 1940

Sacrifice for our freedom

Here are some photos of our relatives who were in the RAF.


Southport joins in saying Thank you! for VJ Day

Remembering sacrifices made 75 years ago for our freedoms and values

 Black Lives Matter: want to know more about what is happening?


Here is a podcast made by a Father and his primary aged children about the history of the slave trade and some consideration of what has happened recently. 

May 12th = 200 years since Florence Nightingale was born

Here is a video to help us know more about this national hero whose name has recently been given to hospitals across the country. 

Think you'd make a good MP?

Use the link below to play a game that helps us understand what it involves.

   Thank you to pupils who have shared some of     their family stories from World War Two - stories   that help inspire us to appreciate our

British Values.

See our video below

Pupil stories of relatives from WW2

 V.E Day May 8th

See the history page link and staff video below for lots of information about how we are marking this important day.

Days like these allow us to really appreciate our British Values.

Without the sacrifice of ordinary people for the 6 years of war and the years of rationing and rebuilding that followed, we would not have the freedoms that we have today. 

St Philip's Staff WW2 Relatives

As we commemorate VE Day on its 75th anniversary, St Philip's staff have shared some stories and photos of their relatives.

Year 6 History Ambassadors led our worship on Commonwealth Day

Pupils increased their knowledge and understanding of what The Commonwealth is and how

 British Values operate within it. We looked in more depth at the theme of Together We Can Make A Difference and help protect our planet.

History Ambassadors act as lead learners as we learn about different cultures and also learn from them: mutual respect

 Mutual respect: marking Holocaust Memorial Day

with our display (photo below) and an assembly for the Juniors.


Christian Value = truthfulness

We cannot be effective citizens if we do not know what the truth is!

Finding out the truth is not always easy. Year 6 have been using the Newsround websites to get their facts about recent world events. They have then discussed their views based on these facts e.g. What should Prince Harry do? Should cars be allowed in city centres?  If trainers are so bad for the environment - what should we do?

St Philip’s Election results 2019

The school - including staff- voted as follows

Conservatives 67

Lib Dems 66

Labour 88



Year 6 News Champions led our worship time and we heard speeches representing the 3 parties standing here in Southport.  We then had the chance to cast our vote and practice our democratic rights and individual liberty.

Wondering Wednesday continues to get us thinking and talking about our British Values.

Last week: Whose responsibility is pollution?

This week: Should animals be used for entertainment?



History Ambassadors visit the Jewish Cemetery

British Values: tolerance and mutual respect


We had an Anne Frank Ambassador with us to interview.

Anna was able to tell us about what happened to Anne Frank and what her famous diary is about. One of the graves told us about a girl who came as a refugee to this country when she was five years old as part of the Kindertransport that rescued Jewish children in the 1930s.

We took time to reflect on the consequences of extreme hatred such as that exhibited during The Holocaust.


Photos are below

It is okay to be different: tolerance and respect



Our Remembrance Journey


 Our History Ambassadors led 7 sessions: windows, mirrors and doors activities that helped us get a deeper insight into remembrance and appreciating our British Values.



Our remembrance display in Byng House

British Legion Holiday Centre

Demonstrating respect and recognising service and sacrifice

                  Parliament Week

Classes are discussing....

Remembrance is a key part of appreciating our British Values.


We remember those who have served to protect our values.

In doing so we appreciate our democracy, rule of law, tolerance and freedoms.


Here are the Year 6 History Ambassadors visiting The Monument where over one thousand names remember those who have served and died from our town.




Helping each other learn is a way of serving and showing respect


Here we are taking a lead role in exploring views about the rainforest

 New History Ambassadors

Already active citizens, serving our community by helping others.

Democracy and service in action

Classes have elected their school councillors.

Here are the Year 6 representatives.

They will have to listen to the views of the class and then try to explain these at council meetings.


Respect and Service

 Year 6 History Ambassadors visit the church Welcome In.

They had a lovely time finding about memories of church and school.

Geography and History Fieldwork

 in the park.

The skills and tasks we used in this field work link to our

British Values

Geography = We were looking at the facilities and condition of the park area. We used a questionnaire to find out what visitors to the park thought about it. Mostly they loved it! This meant that we were talking to the public and gathering data: a process that helps us to appreciate our local area.

History = We were looking at how much the park has changed since it opened in 1913. At first glance we thought it had changed a lot but when we used the information boards and looked at individual areas we discovered that a lot of the park is very similar to one hundred years ago. This meant that we were looking more closely at our local area and understanding it better.


Back at school we will produce reports on what we found, evaluate our findings and make recommendations on how to improve the area in future.

Rule of Law

Learning about road safety in whole school worship


The Maya Treasure Escape Room Challenge

Year 6 demonstrated great team work skills…which of course help to develop our values of respect and tolerance.

They were also learning about another culture whilst doing this! History Ambassadors lead the tasks and supported the other pupils…again showing respect and citizenship.

Learning about how people lived in other eras helps us to appreciate the values we have now.

Year 3 got to meet a Roman soldier!

British Values: Mock Election

Mock election…who would we vote for in local elections?

Christian and British Values…respect and individual liberty

Practising for our democratic process

We used ballot papers for our secret ballot.

First we voted without looking at what the local parties were offering: Labour won.

Then we read about what the local candidates had said they would do and discussed in groups what we thought. The information was numbered rather than labelled with a political party’s name.

The Green Party won

See photos below.

Year 6 News Champions and History Ambassadors lead class worship around the school about the

British and Christian Value of Respect


We looked at special religious buildings. First we looked at Notre Dame and the fire there over Easter.

Then we looked at the religious buildings used by Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs.

British Values of mutual respect and tolerance

come from helping each other and sharing what we know.

History Ambassadors continue to act as Chronology Buddies with younger children to help them develop a better understanding of history and so appreciate the society and values we have today.







News Champions visit more classes!

This time we focussed on our Christian value of Service and linked it to news stories about how to look after our planet. We used Newsround videos about the damage caused by single use plastic items and non biodegradable glitter.

This also helps us develop our British Values as we learn more about the world around us and

how to be better citizens within it.

Year 6 History Ambassadors and News Champions help others worship and learn.

Wondering Wednesday got us to think about

 Rule of Law, Respect and our Individual Liberty

                                        Should schools be car free zones?

Commonwealth Day

We celebrated being part of The Commonwealth family with a special worship time led by our News Champions from Year 6.

World Book Day

Loving reading and sharing our favourite stories will help us be better learners and better able to take an active part in our communities

Helping each other learn helps our community.

Year History Ambassadors acted as experts for their class.

They answered questions and gave support in our group work.

Thank you.

The School Council…our democracy and mutual respect in action

Go Orange for Muscular Dystrophy

We led an assembly to explain about this and to encourage children to raise money to help our community.

We watched a video about one of our pupils and his family.

Hands on History Exhibition


Practising our values of service and citizenship, Year 6 History Ambassadors hosted an exhibition for our community about our local history. We discussed their memories of school days and what Southport used to be like when they were young.

 Year 6 spread the word about British values by delivering class worship sessions to Y1-6 in which pupils considered what each of the four main values means and how they could be a better citizen

 To be great citizens in our democracy we need to be able to express our opinions clearly.

Here is a display about our pupil voice.

Year 6 led a whole school worship about wisdom and justice…linking these Christian Values to our British Values

We used the example of Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Fry and Florence Nightingale as people who were wise enough to act when they saw that things were unfair. Fry and Nightingale were devout Christians who did what God told them to do even though it was not easy for them. They helped make our country a fairer and better place. We are free in this country to make lots of choices. Because we live in a democracy we have the right to give our opinions and try to change things…just like they did. Thank you to our volunteers who worked hard on this in their own time…great role models for our younger children.

Helping each respect

History Club

Year 6 History Ambassadors help run History Club for Year 3.

They staff the library and help out with games and activities.

We are recruiting new News Champions!

Year 6 pupils are busy making applications and undertaking test tasks and interviews.

Watch this space to see who is selected and what they will do to help our school community.

Classes are looking at different Christian values this term. For example Year 4 and 6 are looking at wisdom and

Year 2 and 5 are looking at courage.

Below are some photos of Year 6 getting ready to lead a class and whole school worship on wisdom.

They have linked it to British Values.

We need to use our freedom wisely…making good choices…ones that make our communities better places.

Sometimes this takes courage.

We learned about how Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth Fry both had to be brave to follow God and change what they thought was wrong at the time they lived.

Our installation to commemorate the sacrifices made by the RAF in protecting our way of life

 Raising money for charity and learning how to budget to make money!


Year 6 History Ambassadors have taken the lead in making money for charity and for our history club.

They have designed cards, worked out the costs in producing them, worked as a team to produce them and set a price to ensure they raise money from them (or at least meet their costs!) This shows the values of mutual respect and citizenship. Here is a photo of some of the designs.

Year 6 preparing to teach and teaching the younger classes about topics in history. Enjoying the rights of our free country is great but we also have responsibilities to each other too!

See below for Year 6 leading class worship about the British Value of Individual liberty.

They took sessions in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5

Are we a throwaway society?

We are free to make choices but do we always make the right ones?

Should we take more care with what we use and throw away?

God made humans to look after this wonderful planet.

What would Jesus do?

Pupils thought about throwing away less, especially single use plastic items like straws and water bottles.

More learning from our church community: mutual respect.

Year 6 History Ambassadors visit the church with Mr Carver to learn more about it.

We respect others. We learn from others. Here is one of our grandmothers telling us about her family history. It involved refugees and RAF pilots. Older people have lots they can tell us. It helps us understand who we are if we know about our family histories.

The Southport Sleuth competition encouraged children to talk to their relatives and learn about the history of their hometown. They had to be independent and work as detectives to find out about the past.

Below are the winners from across the different year groups as well as our display board.


 Year 6 History Ambassadors practise some of the skills of citizenship. Here they take a lead and share what they know with younger pupils.

Here they are as Ancient Greeks helping Year 4 with their history unit.


Class worship links to our British Values


We take responsibility and work as a team to lead the rest of the class and our parents in activities and reflections


Here are Year 6 thinking about how The Bible guides us to treat each other.....



Their theme was love and they used John 13:34

( a new commandment I give you...that you love one another as I have loved you...)

and the film A Wrinkle in Time

( where the love of a sister for a brother defeated evil)

as their focal points.

Parliament Week has begun!

Year 6 will demonstrate a debate for the school.

All classes will choose activities to develop our awareness of how our democracy works.

Photos below



Year 6 Parliament Week debates

We investigated our Class worship theme of ‘It’s not fair!’

We did this by exploring child labour in the 19th century and its parallels today.

It was only because people saw what was happening and said ‘It’s not fair!’ AND did something about it that we have better lives today.

We practised dramatic speeches calling for an end to child labour.


We also had mini debates about a range of topics e.g.

Should people have to go to church at least once over Christmas?

Should people be allowed to spend whatever they like on their pets?

Should shops be allowed to sell Christmas items before December?

Reception got busy learning about democracy by voting 

for favourite books

Year 6 History Ambassadors worked with the Year 3 History Club to write about their favourite

British Values

Year 6 Parliament Week worship

Our debate was this:

Should primary aged children be allowed to use social media?

St Philip's In London for remembrance 2018

Our wreath was placed at The Cenotaph as part of The Nation's Thank You.

Our Unremembered photo was part of a billboard display.

Our RAF100 plane templates are on show until January at RAF Hendon

with one of them chosen for the exhibition poster.

See the London PowerPoint below

Remembrance Activities

See below for photos


Year 6 History Ambassadors visit the church to find out more about World War One

Mr Carver from our church family, led a session in which he explained about the church war memorials. He had photos of some of those who served and he told us stories

about some of them too

The Remembrance Room

All year groups have visited the Remembrance Room.

Mrs Cooper set up a variety of interactive activates to give more depth to our understanding of remembrance.


 We have a special remembrance worship open to our relatives and

church members

on Friday




Our RAF100 plane templates are being installed at RAF Hendon in London ready

for remembrance this week.

We were given names of Scottish service men and women from World War One. You can see some of them in the pictures below.

Our poppy cascade is now on show!

All children and staff have now made a remembrance poppy

under the guidance of Mrs Rothwell.

Here are some of the children  remembering a local war hero from the  King's Liverpool Regiment

Private E W Jones who died 18th May 1918


Our poppy installation includes the names of more than

400 soldiers who served in World War One

whose names are on the memorials in our church.

Year 6 learning about their local environment....its history and legacies. 

Learning about our town's history helps us to appreciate and value it more.

Learning about local heroes like Frank Hampson and the lifeboat crews can inspire us.

Taking time out to honour those who have served in war is an important part of valuing our democratic values.


We are coming to the end of our World War One centenary commemorations.

The photo below shows the school on Southport beach with other Sefton schools back in 2014, forming a giant remembrance poppy. We all got soaked that day. Now we are about to complete our poppy cascades, RAF planes and Unremembered projects. Watch this space for photos!



Here are some photos of our exhibition to commemorate the events of 100 years ago

The formation of the RAF

The Unremembered from the Labour Corps

Women getting the vote for the first time

And how these have contributed to the British values we have today which underpin our way of life today

Mrs Maguire and the School Council organised

Grandparent Day 2018


This was a wonderful event that got young people talking about their

own family histories.

It promoted mutual respect. See photos below.

Presenting our remembrance wreath to our church family.

See the photo below

History Ambassadors from last year and this have been cutting out felt flowers to create wreaths for our school and church. The multi coloured flowers are to remember the range of different people who served in different ways during World War One. Not all who served  were soldiers. Many were women who worked as nurses or in munitions factories. Many were part of the Labour Corps who did work that enabled soldiers to do their job e.g. building roads and ensuring supplies were in the right place and the right time. Many people came from all over our empire to help. There were people from India and Nepal as well as countries in Africa. There were of course Christians but also Muslims, Hindus and Jews who served. 

Remembrance = honouring those who served to protect our values

democracy....individual liberty...rule of law...respect

 Practising our democratic skills of Geography

How far should we protect the rainforests?

Serving our community and showing mutual respect


Year 6 History Ambassadors visit Welcome In...see the photos below


On Wednesday 3rd October, six of us from Year 6 went to the church Welcome In.

We have been making a new remembrance wreath to share with the church and we presented it to them. We thought ahead what questions we would like to ask so that we had some idea what we would find out about.

We really enjoyed our time with people who could tell us so much.

Here are a few things that we learned...

One man showed us his father’s medals from World War One

Some of them had left school at just 14 years old

Some only saw a banana for the first time when they were seven years old because when the war was on fruit like that couldn’t get to us from so far away

A lady had brought in a train set from the 1930s

One lady had photos on her phone of when she was a nurse in the 1950s

Another told of her memories of bombs being dropped when she was a child in Lincolnshire during

World War Two.

Year 6. We have chosen our first five History Ambassadors.

Mrs Maguire and the School Council organised a peace chain and activity to mark the International Day of Peace in September

See the photos below

Year 6 British Values

Year 6 have been practising their debating skills and discussing our British Values. We debated by ‘bobbing’ like MPs do in the Houses of Parliament. We discussed if it is right to give money to the homeless. We also had a report back from the Student Council meeting. See the photos below

Staff training on British values

How to incorporate and improve awareness of British Values.


Parliament Week 2018


Our pack has arrived and we are excited to get ready to celebrate our democracy



We have begun work on our remembrance poppy cascade!

Remembering those who have served in war connects us with all four of our British values...respect, democracy, liberty and rule of law.


All Year 6 have been making a remembrance poppy out of the bottom of a plastic water bottle. We want our poppies to have a recycling message so we are recycling ones we used.

Eventually everyone in the school will have made one. We aim to make 300!

These will then form a moving display for the centenary of World War One.

See the photos below

School competition for StPhilips100

Summer competition

StPhilips100 is the name we have given to a series of events commemorating centenaries in 2018.

We want logos that we can use for these events in the Autumn term…designed by you!

You have a choice of 4 themes for this:

Ø Women getting the vote

Ø The birth of the RAF

Ø The role played by anyone who served in World War One

Ø Something that combines all three of these

You do not have to be good at art for this as logos are simple ideas rather than complicated pictures.

Hand your logo into Ms Lund with your name and new year group by September 14th . There will be a prize for the best in each class.

National competitions of poetry and art to remember those who served in war

See the links below. Deadline is September 11th




Visiting the grave of Stanley Dyson who died in 1917 aged 26.

History Ambassadors took our wreath, left a remembrance marker and said a prayer.



School Council end of year display


Our own democracy in action


Children learn skills to help them be better, more active citizens.

They participate in decision making.

This year School Council has raised lots of money for a range of causes, had a visit from our MP and taken part in Sefton Learning Partnership  activities to do with promoting healthy eating.


See the link below the photo for the Schools Council page

Rewarding effort and talent in our end of year celebrations

These are some of the many children who go the extra mile

The Unremembered St Philips100


Below are photos of our community event to recognise the contribution of the Labour Corps


Celebrating 100 years since the vote was extended to women for the first time and to working class men

Year 6 Maya History Day

Learning about and from other cultures

We did so many things!

Making block pyramids, playing pok a tok, eating Mexican food, debating, examining artefacts and playing an escape room game.

We also had time to write an essay examining the way of life of the Ancient Maya or why their civilisation ended.


Honouring those who have served our country

Valuing our freedoms

Here are the entries from all the year groups

Year 6 Faith in Action Day


Our Christian values re-enforce our British Values

We believe in Justice, Equality, Respect, Service…


Today we considered lots of aspects of our faith

We heard from visitors who talked about how they have put their Christian faith into action

We learned about how other faiths put their beliefs into action

We learned about street children and how groups like Tearfund help

We got to debate our own ideas about our beliefs

RAF100 School Competition

See the document below and take the time to enter so that we can put together a great remembrance display about the RAF

in our local area.

Chinese Day

Years 6, 5 and 2 have been exploring Chinese Culture with Chinese teachers from the Confucius Institute from Edge Hill University. They have been learning words in Mandarin and making Chinese lanterns, paper cuts of Chinese characters and learning calligraphy and counting in Mandarin.

RAF 100


We have started our RAF100 project to remember the people who died in the early days of the RAF in World War One. This is part of a national project to design plane templates and write names of pilots and engineers on them.

We have been given 30 Scottish names and so we are designing Scottish themed templates.

We will also be remembering the local people who are buried in our Southport cemeteries.

Our Unremembered Wreath is now on display in London and they have taken this wonderful picture of it. We have made a second wreath to keep in school and use in our acts of remembrance.

Here is another picture showing how it is being displayed. It is in the Ministry for Housing and it is in the bottom right of the photo. It is photographed with  left to right: Military Advisor Brigadier Krishnan, High Commission of India to the UK, Sally Sealey, MHCLG, and Lord Bourne, Minister for Communities, MHCLG.



 Mutual Respect and Understanding...Autism


In worship today we had students from Presfield College.


They explained what it was like to have autism.


They told us about famous people with autism and what autistic people can find easy and difficult.


It helped us see that not everyone (including autistic people) learns and thinks in the same way.



Our Christian Values are part of our British Values



Values like compassion and justice.


This term our focus is service.

All religions believe in serving others in some way.


Here is one of our worship tables showing our focus on service.


Part of this is learning about figures in the past who can inspire us to serve others

and share the talents that we have.

People like Florence Nightingale and William Wilberforce had a

big impact on this country.


Today organisations like the Red Cross and Red Crescent serve worldwide.

Sikh gurdwaras provide free meals everyday in their communities.

Here in Southport Christians organise food banks and the local Soup Kitchen.


Easter History competition flyer

 Today a small group of staff, parents and pupils visited Duke Street Cemetery where we said a prayer and laid a wreath in remembrance of three Southport people who served in the Labour Corp of World War One. Photos are below.

The stunning felt flower wreath has been made by Year 6 thanks to the hard work and creativity of Mrs Rothwell.

The largely forgotten history of the Labour Corp has provided a new challenge for our History Ambassadors. We held a Commonwealth Day Assembly to highlight the work and values of the Commonwealth. We have found out about our local Chinese Labour Corps whose graves are in Liverpool. As we have been studying Ancient Egypt we were also drawn to the role played by the Egyptian Labour Corps and the forgotten contribution of Muslims in this part of our history. Once we had access to the database for the graves of the Labour Corps, we visited our local cemetery to leave tokens of remembrance there. As one of the graves belonged to a Jewish family, we took pebbles with us rather than flowers as our act of rememberance.

Our ideas for the wreath were that the…

  • multi coloured flowers to symbolize the wide variety of unremembered from countries around the world, not just in the Commonwealth. We also made sure to include the yellow of our own hometown of Southport as well as colours like pink and purple to represent the women who served as volunteers in World War One.

  • buttons are all different shapes and sizes to show we are all unique.

  • flowers are the same shape because we were all fighting for the same cause.

  • butterflies are placed in North, South, East and West positions to represent the four corners of the world.

Watch this space for details of the Easter history to relatives to find out if childhood in the 1960s and 1970s was really very different from your childhood today

Honouring and remembering those who have served their country.

Year 6 are helping to create a wreath for 'The Unremembered' (a Commonwealth project about the Labour Corps of World War One). We hope to take the wreath to Duke Street Cemetery where there are 6 graves of local people who served in this way.

Below are the graves of I Dannenberg, J Cullen and A Rimmer. 

Year 6 are leading school worship for Commonwealth Day

This includes outlining what the Commonwealth is and how it grew out of the British Empire. It also shows why it is important for us today especially in terms of co-operation and campaigning on issues such as gender and racial equality.

Photos will follow below.

Here are some photos of entries into our half term Commonwealth Competitions.

 Ancient Egyptians visit the Infants!

Year 6 History Ambassadors have been helping spread their love and knowledge of history again.

We have great History Ambassadors and helpers in Year 6 who volunteer to help others learn more about history. They are great role models for being active citizens. Today they hosted an exhibition called Hands on History for parents and children during Parents' Evening. This included a range of activities: Horrible History songs, costumed guides, books, games, timelines, artefacts, local history and photos of all the great activities classes undertake in history during the year.

Knowing our history is part of British Values.

Year 6 led a school worship time about the history of Britain since the Stone Age.

We finished with a prayer asking God to help us appreciate all the comforts that we have today.

For most of human history, most lives have been much harder than they are today.

 This week we welcomed our local MP, Damien Moore.

He was given a tour of the school by two of our Year 6 History Ambassadors.

 Year 6 got the opportunity to ask him questions. He was asked a range of questions.

What is it like being an MP?

How long do you work for in a week?

What can you do for Southport?

What is being done for the homeless?

What made you want to become an MP?

What is the best part of being an MP?

What kind of things do you debate about in Parliament?


He then visited the School Council who were busy analysing the Healthy Eating surveys.

The School Council organised for us to take part in Wacky Hair Day today as part of the Sefton Partnership, raising money for Alzheimer's research. Some photos are below

Mini competitions for February half term

Celebrate our Commonwealth

See the document below

A wonderful book we use to develop chronology and understanding of our country's history is 'A Street Through Time' extract is below

School Council

Have been busy with promoting fundraising such as Children in Need and more recently Go Orange for Muscular Dystrophy and Wacky Hair Day (as part of the Southport Learning Partnership's fundraising for Alzheimer's). They have also been busy getting classes to think about healthy living and to create posters to encourage people to be healthier.

 We will  be supporting Commonwealth Day on Monday 12th March.

See the website link below

This year marks 100 years since the vote in the UK was extended to ordinary working men and to some women for the first time. We will be marking this later in the year and taking part

in Equaliteas in July.

We have our winners for our Australia competition.

Five Year 6 pupils put a tremendous effort into their entries for this competition. Their work was inspiring and informative. In the photos below you can see four of them receiving their prizes in worship time today. There are also photos of their work and the PowerPoints that three of them did.

Well done and thank you to them all.

Our History Ambassadors are keeping busy in 2018.

They are great role models of how to be active and helpful citizens.

 They have been visiting the Infant Classes in  historical costumes so that the children can ask questions about who they are supposed to be and what life was like in the past.

Year 2 pupils come on Thursday to work with the Chronology Buddies and get a sticker for giving answers to questions about how a town grew from the Stone Age to now. They do other things too like castle jigsaws and spot the mistake in history pictures.

News of another History competition!

Being an active citizen is part of our British Values. This means that we take an interest in and participate in the world around us, even when no-one is telling us we have to do so.

Knowing the history of this country helps us to appreciate the world we live in now.

So, if you love history, take a look at the Epic Era competition on the website below.



 We show respect by being grateful for the sacrifices others have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms. Year 6 have been learning about World War One. 1918 is the centenary year of the end of the war. To enter a great competition on this see the website below.

Part of British Values is showing mutual respect by helping other people. In the Autumn term we have done lots of fundraising. Just some examples of this are....we bought poppies for the British Legion, we raised money with Pudsey bear for Children in Need and here we are wearing our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children

History/Geography Competition

The Commonwealth Games are in AUSTRALIA in 2018

See the document below

Year 1 enjoyed learning about voting

Year 6 made more use of the Parliamentary loan box. They had a series of mini debates with different pupils acting as the Speaker who chose who would speak next.

“Before judging someone, first walk a mile in their shoes”

Native American saying

Native Americans come to St Philip’s.

Our very own Year 6 History Ambassadors, acted as lead learners for the Year 6 history lesson.

They were hot seated by their class mates who asked lots of searching questions about how Native Americans lived and why they lived in the way they did.


They then visited the Infant and Reception classes to be

interviewed by them.


Asking relevant questions is an important history skill.

This also supported our British values of understanding other cultures and their way of life, as well as our lead learners being great role models of being active and articulate citizens.

Our first History Ambassadors have been citizens who have taken on extra responsibilities



They wrote an application

They studied some extra history

They undertook a range of tasks

They were interviewed

They passed with flying colours.


noOur Parliament Week events have begunno

Today (13th November) Year 6 started the week with an assembly about how Parliament works.

See below for photos and a report on it.

The pupils had all written their own speeches for the debate which took place in assembly. 

Each day, the Juniors will vote on a different topic

See the photos below

Reception and the infants will do their own voting and have the Speaker's oufit and Parliamentary props to use as well.


Our first British Values exhibition has already taken place. Over one hundred visitors came to see what we do in school about this. Year 6 guides explained what they have been learning about politics, democracy and debating. They were fabulous ambassadors for our school and our values. 


Visitors from local schools were very impressed. We had great feedback from staff from Bishop David Sheppard Primary School, Great Crosby RC Primary and St John's Primary in Crossens as well as visitors from High Schools like Birkdale and Greenbank.


Later this week, a team of pupils will lead worship time. This will be a Remembrance Worship and reflection time

Next Monday Year 6 will lead worship about how Parliament works, including a debate about the use of smart phones for primary age children.

Remembrance Service November 2017

Our service included Year 5 and 6 pupils who read pieces about what remembrance means. They also read a poem by Mrs Pritchard’s Mum about her father in the Great War. They read Flander’s Fields.

Staff and pupils spoke of someone they were remembering today. Our minute of silence was completed by Marcus playing the Last Post.

Thankyou to all who took part.

Mrs Edward announced in worship today  (3.1..17) which petition had won and why.

It is the Year 2 idea of decorating the canteen with a healthy food themed display.

Well done to Year 2 for outlining their idea so thoughtfully and working hard to get so many signatures.


Our "British Values...exploring democracy exhibition" took place last night. Parents, siblings and staff from other schools came and were guided round by Year 6 pupils. They placed poppies on our Remembrance Tree, voted in our Should primary age children be allowed smart phones? debate and took time to see what we do in this school to promote British Values. See below for photos.

Year 6 practising debating in the style of Parliament


Should primary age children be allowed to have smart phones?




The speaker chose who would speak.

Pupils bobbed to get attention to speak.

After the speeches they called out Aye or No to show their opinion.

They moved into division lobbies to show their view

The result of this vote was…


A resounding Aye! There were just 6 people who voted No.


The photo below shows the winners. they look very pleased!

Year 6 exploring a parliamentary timeline

The winning petitions are handed to Mrs Edward during assembly 20.10.17. She will give her decision after half term.

 Year 6 now have the chance to apply to become our official history/politics ambassadors.

Here are some of them collecting the resources they need to help them learn more British history, ready for a test after half term.

School Council Meeting 18.10.17...democracy in action


The petitions!


This was an exciting meeting as councillors counted up their signature totals. They have still to be verified but some look to have got over 80 signatures

Pupils from each group had been busy thinking of idea about how to improve the canteen on a budget of £50. Some year groups had put together quite detailed proposals. All had got signatures from their own class and most had got signatures from other classes and even staff.

Signatures are currently being verified! The petitions with the most signatures will be sent to Mrs Edward for her consideration. Just like with government petitions, she might call pupils to give more detail or explain their ideas more. She may then decide to adopt the ideas or she may decide not to! Just like with our government, if there are enough signatures, she will give a response to explain her decision.


After that, councillors discussed the school wide campaign for after half term and ideas for raising money for Children in Need.

Tell your councillor if you have an idea….Voice your View!! There are a four photos below. For more photos see the link to the School Council page.

Mutual respect…

Year 6 being buddies to reception children


The buddy assembly last week was Year 6’s opportunity to welcome their reception buddy into our school.


Year 6 help the reception children settle in and they act as role models to them. It brings the best out in everyone!

Year 6…the art of debate in Geography again. Year 6 debated what the future of the rainforest should be. In doing so they also practised the parliamentary process of ‘bobbing’ to catch the attention of the speaker to try and get a turn in the debate. They had to state their point and then explain it. Simple key words to help with this were…because….so that...if. Key Geography vocabulary included indigenous….habitat…deforestation…extinct….endangered…favelas…and more! See the photos below. After the debate they wrote extended balanced arguments about what should happen in the rainforest.

Our School Council is a very active part of our school community and is a great process that helps us learn about how our British democratic system works. We are working with the Southport Learning Partnership on 3 projects. The first is a campaign to improve our school community further. The second area is a local charity to support.  The third area is to get involved in a global campaign. See the link below.

Mutual respect. We are very grateful to our volunteer helpers who listen to our children read

Democracy...School council are organising petitions about how to spend some money on improving the canteen

Remembrance is about mutual respect but also about appreciating our values of freedom

and democracy


Remembrance Display 2017


A team of Year 6 and Year 4 pupils is putting together a display for Remembrance Day. Most families have some connection to people who served (or are still serving) in various wars. This is not just soldiers. Many women served in World War Two in many ways. They might have been Land Girls, or worked in factories making weapons or they might have looked after evacuees. There have been more recent conflicts such as The Falklands War or soldiers sent to Afghanistan. We’d like as many photos as possible for this display.





Pupils making poppies for our Remembrance Display

We appreciate what we have and we help other people...raising money for beehives at harvest time

The art of Geography... where Y6 debated views about how the rainforest should be used

Bullybusters workshops with Year 1,2 and 3 help us respect each other

British Value…Mutual respect

Shirley Potts, one of our governors, came to spend a maths session with Year 6 and talk to them about what they have been doing recently. She has watched them grow up since Year 1. We discussed the visit of the Gang Man and visits to high schools. We also discussed about the responsibilities that come with being the oldest in the schools and the jobs that we are trusted to do.

Rule of law and respect...workshops with Year 6 by the Gang Man

We respect and help each other in our buddy programmes...all Year 6 are buddies for the reception children and we have chronology history buddies too

Student council surgeries have begun! Voice your view

First meeting of the school council took place 27th September 2017. They will try to represent all the children in their class even when they don't agree with their ideas (just like our MPs represent all of us however we did or did not vote).

You can see more about the School Council if you click on the link below

 We run competitions to encourage pupils to take a wider interest in the world around them.

In history competitions we have had mini movies, news reports, code breaking and posters.

Our summer holiday competition was to write reviews/projects about places pupils loved visiting this summer. The winners are pictured below with their prizes. 

We had a visit from the Parliament Outreach Officer today who led a Junior Assembly and workshops for Year 4 and 5.

The visit meant that pupils got the chance to learn about our democracy. They learned about what how a law is made and what MPs do. In the workshops they got the chance to learn about how we vote and to do a human timeline about how voting has changed since 1215.

Classes have elected their student council representatives. Here are some of them

Classes have been formulating their class rules through pupil input and discussion. Here is the Y6 one

Year 6 learning about how paliament works. We worked in teams and used the 60 second video from to increase our knowledge

We have registered for Parliament Week 13th-19th November 2017


Learning about democracy


Mrs Lund has returned from the Houses of Parliament.

There were 66 teachers on the course

Below is the first follow up session Year 6 had about the course.

Some of their questions had been answered.



Have you ever got lost in the Houses of Parliament?

What made you want to become an MP?

What is the most exciting thing about Parliament?

Is it hard to be an MP?

What is the actual role of the Prime Minister?

How many times are laws checked before they are made?

How could we get rid of the House of Lords if we thought it was a good idea to do so?

Year 6 follow up Parliament session

Shakespeare's Birthday an amazing Englishman!

British Values are central to who we are.
