Home Page

Subject Leader Training and Continued Professional Development.

1.3.23 - EMHP update


1.3.23 - what a good PSHCE lesson looks like


22.2.23 - EAL training for primary schools


20.2.23 - first aid


11.1.23 - Occupational health - motor skills


31.10.22 - Occupational therapy training, sensory needs


7.9.22 - safeguarding training

16.6.22 - ACEs workshop for Infant Mental Health Week

Attended by headteacher and subject leader

01.11.21 - Curriculum INSET attended by all staff


23.9.21 - Classroom Mindfulness

Attended by teaching staff.

1.9.21 - Safeguarding update

Continuing Professional Development


08.07.21 - Ofsted briefing on Sexual Violence and Harassment in schools - HMI Jonathan Smart. Attended by S. Edward.

PSHCE and Fundamental British Values Staff CPD

Subject Leader Training to become a Mental Health First Aider

Ten Principles of Effective PSHE Teaching

We are ready for the statutory changes to Relationships and Sex Education at our school.

We used the RSE Roadmap below to help us reflect and review.

Roadmap to Statutory RSE
