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Releasing the Butterflies

New Life and Life Cycles

How does your garden grow?

Science Day - Making Lava Lamps and Volcano Explosions

"100 Things Challenge" - Raising Money for the Sir Captain Tom Foundation

RE - Stories Jesus Told

RE - Stories Jesus Heard

The Scarecrow's Wedding - "The best wedding ever, the best wedding yet, the wedding that no one will ever forget!"

All ready to welcome our new Reception Class! Miss Samuel and Mrs Rimmer are so excited for all of the adventures that are to come! 🤩

British Science Week 2020 - Our Diverse Planet. We've been exploring our solar system and working scientifically

Challenging ourselves by measuring with different units of measurement

World Book Day Shenanigans with our minibeasts!

Super Fruit and Veggies! We were joined by Sharon from Asda. She helped us to understand the importance of eating healthy fruit and veg.

Volcanic Eruption on our trip!

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Tasting Chinese Food - Noodles and Prawn Crackers

Celebrating Chinese New Year with a Dragon Dance

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Mrs. Rimmer's been naughty!

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Police Sirens at school today

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Meeting our own Jolly Postie today learning she helps our letters to be delivered

We've been making 2d shapes with our bodies in PE

Our Christmas Nativity

The Scarecrow's Wedding - the best wedding ever; the best wedding yet. The wedding that no-one will ever forget. Learning about compassion, love and the sacrament of marriage.

Click on the link below to see our Prayer Buddy joining us for our class Worship. Thank you Mrs. Rose


Learning about our Feelings and Emotions - how to control them and who to talk to. Remember we can ALWAYS talk to God

Reception go odd-socked to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying

Developing Links with our families at the Bookshare Stay and Read in Reception

Making Diva Lamps to celebrate Diwali's Festival of Lights

Our trip to Lidl to buy fruit from the story Handa's Surprise. Thank you to all our volunteers who walked with us.

We're learning our new sound ... nnnnnnnnnnn

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We've been reading the book "We're going on a Leaf Hunt" by Steve Metzger. We're going on a Leaf Hunt. We're going right away. Let's find colourful leaves. It's a wonderful day!

Unite Martial Arts Training - Wow great punches and kicks Reception

Meeting our Big Buddies for the First Time

Celebrating ourselves - We are Marvellous! What's in your bag? The children explain to the class some important things about them, their likes and dislikes and all about their family

Practising writing our names

Puppet Club

Our First School Dinner - Yummy!
