Welcome to our Year 6 class page and welcome back!
We hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready for our exciting and final year at St Philip’s!
We have the fantastic Mrs Lund and Mrs Day, who help us a great deal in Year 6.
The children have settled in well and are excited to start to take on their Year 6 responsibilities as well as their role as a buddy to our new reception children.
Our ‘Buddy’ assembly will take place on: Wednesday 3rd October at 2:30pm.
More information will follow at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening, which will take place this
Thursday 6thh September at 6:00 and will finish at 6:30pm.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Please note: The dates for the Year 6 residential trip are:
Wednesday 12th June - Friday 14th June 2019.