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Reading Ambassadors leading assembly - we LOVE reading!

Reading Ambassadors reading to Reception

Reading Ambassadors and Southport Library assembly on the Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

Reception: We read 'Commotion in the Ocean' and then tried to move like the sea creatures to celebrate the day. We discussed the rhyme and rhythm and how it is fun to join in with a poem.

Year 2:For World Poetry Day, the children brought in their favourite poems to share with the class. They read them aloud, trying to read with expression. We discussed why the poem was their favourite and which we liked best out of the poems shared and why. We really couldn’t decide on one poem! We then read a poem together.

Year 3: our children absolutely loved sharing their poems they brought in! What fun we had!

Year 4: we loved sharing our poems so much we were inspired to write our own class poem!

Year 6: we loved sharing our poems so much! Some of us were inspired to write our own at home and bring in to share!

Year 6 getting creative and creating their very own poems for National Poetry Day

English In Action Year 2

English in Action Autumn Year 5

"My Life In Lockdown" Competition

Wow!! What an incredible selection we have from you all for this exciting competition and what a way to share all the fantastic activities we have all been up to over lockdown! 

A GREAT BIG thank you to each and every one of you who has entered the competition, all your fabulous entries look fantastic! I have loved reading about all you have been up to and have loved all the creative ways in which you have chosen to present your ideas! 

We are not announcing the winner just yet as all your entries need to be collaborated with all the other Southport schools taking part but we couldn't not share all of your fantastic efforts!! 

Looking at our superb selection, I am very excited to see the results! 

Enjoy browsing all our beautiful entries and well done again!! 

Take care, Mrs Warham laugh



"Life In Lockdown" Reception entries:

"Life In Lockdown" Year 1 entries:

"Life In Lockdown" Year 2 entries:

"Life In Lockdown" Year 3 entries:

"Life In Lockdown" Year 4 entries:

"Life In Lockdown" Year 5 entries:

"Life in Lockdown" Year 6 entries:

Stay and Read: Camp Out With a Good Book Autumn 2019

World Book Day 2019

World Book Day 2018

English Displays and Working Walls Around Our School

English In Action!
