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Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 page

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Welcome back to another busy term



I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break and the Easter bunny brought lots and lots of chocolate.




Please enjoy watching our garden centre flourish and grow throughout the summer term.

Our science topic this term is all about plants and how they grow. The children have enjoyed planting seeds and bulbs and are now taking care of their every need.






Please note 


PE is on Monday and Tuesdays  - please make sure PE kits are in school.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. 

Reading books should be placed in the basket each morning so they can be changed.

Spelling tests will take place on a Friday morning.

Year 2 staff - Mrs Bond, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Rothwell.



Class Assembly

Still image for this video

Children's University

Bike-it day

Wow!! What amazing cyclists.

All the children worked their socks off to learn to ride without stabilizers.


From beginner to Bradley Wiggins in half an hour!


Traffic Survey

Christmas Dinner

Children in Need

ICT Fundraiser!

Class Timetable

Meet the teacher powerpoint
