SEND within the English Curriculum
English is a subject that can capture the imagination and attention of all children – whether that be through reading endless genres of books that take you to a whole new world of knowledge and imagination or writing and being inspired to create a whole new world yourself. The content can be rich, creative and engaging for all children - the subject discipline requires careful planning and adaptive teaching to promote success across the range of children we teach.
Children have a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty which calls for specialist educational provision to be made for them.
Children have a learning difficulty if they:
a) have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children at the same age
b) have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.
At St Philips we ensure that all of our children with SEND have the entitlement to broad, balanced and relevant teaching. All pupils will have Quality First Teaching. Any pupils with identified SEND or identified as needing additional support will have work additional to and different from their peers, dependent upon their needs in order to access the curriculum. Adaptive teaching is used to support reading and writing across all subjects. As well as this, our school offers a demanding and varied curriculum, providing children with a range of opportunities in order for them to reach their full potential and consistently achieve highly from their starting points. All teachers and support staff are aware of the National Curriculum inclusion statement, and with advice from the SENCO, the class teachers match the learning objectives to the needs and the abilities of individual pupils. They use a range of strategies to develop student's knowledge, understanding and skills, including the use if ICT. Where appropriate, adaptive teaching is used and materials are modified or support is provided to enable pupils with SEND to access learning.
Leaders make sure that the English curriculum and individual wider lessons linked to extended cross curricular pieces of writing or reading, speaking and listening activities in lessons include activities and tasks that are very closely matched to the needs of all pupils. Wherever appropriate, children with SEND access discreet subject knowledge and have clear subject specific learning objectives that are planned in a progressive and cohesive way.
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COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION | Providing written WAGOLLs and writing frames Pair talk with careful class seating so that pupils have opportunities to discuss and clarify with a more able peer. Topic vocabulary lists – starter activities to revisit new vocabulary such as RAG rating used in reading lessons as well as English and foundation subjects. Pupils offered opportunity to word process for extended writing |
COGNITION AND LEARNING | Card sort visual activities – paired discussion and revisiting of knowledge Knowledge organisers used across all subjects to aid speaking and listening activities and allow children pre-teaching/ research activities – gathering wider knowledge. Vocabulary is included in these resources to also aid speaking, listening and wider understanding on topics and concepts.
Allow thinking time before requiring answers Using whiteboards to include and not put undue pressure on pupils for oral answers Providing prompts – sentence stems to stick in books for children to complete- aiding the time given to complete tasks. Requiring less writing – responses in bullet points or diagram form that allow success in the immersive phase of writing. Ipads/class computer/headphones to revisit via revision on Purple mash or and PhonicsPlay. ICT used to aid independent writing. Learning objectives alongside success criteria for independent pieces of writing. |
SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH | Links to PSHCE, British Values and Christian Values – unit plans allow for teachers to model and plan the links across English units and foundation subjects. Reading Fluency: Decoding skills- segmentation/blending/phonology (PAT, IDL) Full word recognition/sight words (SNIP, pre teaching) Fluency (90 words a min) model and practise (modelling, familiar texts) Phonological awareness: Identify words that rhyme, recognising alliteration, segmenting a sentence into words, identify the syllables in a word , blending and segmenting onset-rimes. (IDL, PAT, phonics play) To develop -Phonemic awareness
Language comprehension: Inferencing link to Vipers and reading dogs Text structure exposure to different texts and lay outs Comprehension monitoring Early Reading Programme, 5 min reads, pre teaching and post teaching, reading and thinking, Blank levels
Vocabulary: Pre teaching vocabulary Vocabulary discussed and taught meanings of, links and connection made-connecting to other subjects and experiences, repeated exposure, subject rich seams, knowledge organisers Semantics – what the word means Make it memorable (Vocab word wheels, visuals and other multi sensory tools, colourful semantics)
Allowing reflection and review and editing time on written tasks – discussing written work and Acknowledge oral contributions and effort – create opportunities to be creative - e.g. illustrated history source diagram |
Provision of enlarged resources – coloured backgrounds, overlays for dyslexic tendencies. Alternative methods of recording Reading rulers Handwriting- pencil grips, equipment recommended by Quaility first, SENCO or specialist. Revision of joins, letter formation in smaller groups where needed. |