Please read our Safeguarding Policy. If you have any Safeguarding concerns please inform Mrs Edward or Mrs Klaassen as a matter of urgency. Alternately you can contact Sefton CHAT if you feel that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect or FAST for support from our Early Help Team. Safeguarding is a community responsibility and as such we all have a responsibility to keep children safe.
To contact CHAT ring 0151 934 4013
To contact FAST ring 0151 934 4545
Key DFE and C of E publications include
All staff training for safeguarding is up to date and regularly updated in line with Government Guidelines. Records of staff training are held in the school office.
Home Office Prevent Training updates for all staff, including Non Teaching Staff and Governors takes place annually. This is updated as part of our annual Whole school safeguarding training.
Regular Fire Drills and Lock Down practises take place in line with statutory duties.
We have 2 members of staff and 2 governors trained in Safer Recruitment.
Our Chair of Governors and Head Teacher have attended Managing Allegations Training.
Our Head Teacher Mrs Edward was the Head Teacher Representative on the Sefton Safeguarding Children's Partnership Board. She is committed not just to safeguarding children at St Philip's but to all of the children in our community.
Speak out, stay safe Autumn 1 2024
The whole school has been thinking about how to keep ourselves safe using the NSPCC resources. We thought about the different types of abuse , who our safe adults are and what to do if we feel sad or worried about anything.
Mrs Kite is our Safeguarding Governor and can be contacted via the school office.
Mrs Kite had a child at our school and is warm and approachable member of our team. As a Foundation Governor appointed by the Church our ethos and values are precious to Mrs Kite.
Mrs Kite is a trained Probation officer and regularly attends in house and external agency training relevant to her safeguarding role in our school and also attends specialist training as part of her professional CPD.
We abide by Prevent Duty Guidelines from the DFE. Concerns regarding radicalisation or Extremism should be referred to Mrs Edward or Mrs Klaassen following our usual procedure, who will then follow Local Authority Guidance if the concern should require referral.
It is our school policy that at least one member of each interview panel has undergone Safer Recruitment Training. St Philip's is a "SAFE" school. We follow best practice guidelines for advertising, short-listing, reference requests, interviewing, offers of employment and Induction.
We have 2 members of our SLT and 2 of our Governors who have completed Safer Recruitment Training.
We believe that additional adults in school have a strong influence on children's academic and social progress. We welcome Students, Trainee Teachers, Parent Helpers, Community Volunteers, adults with particular skills or areas of expertise. We ensure that we follow procedures to keep our children safe and that all adults who come into contact with our children have appropriate checks made. Safeguarding the children in our care is our number one priority.
Should you be interested in volunteering you will be required to complete an application process including a risk assessment, request for references and you will require a DBS check . All this will happen before you are able to work alongside staff and children at our school.