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Autumn Term

We love sharing all the wonderful activities that we do in school.

Do have a look!  

Brrrrr! It's cold in Antartica! We'll have to do our penguin huddle!

Children in Need Day 2018

The Scarecrows' Wedding - "The best wedding ever; the best wedding yet; the wedding that no-one will ever forget." November 2018

Diwali celebrations with our Diya and making barfi

Rangoli Patterns to Celebrate Diwali

Firework Pictures on the 5th November

Our Favourite Fruit - Data Handling in Reception showing the British Value of Democracy

Our Trip to Lidl - Inspired by Handa's Surprise 2/10/18

Handa's Surprise Story Retelling

Friends who play together, stay together!

Dinner time! A big thank you to our Year 6 children who helped all the Reception children enjoy their first lunch at school.
