All children should feel safe.
It is normal to feel a little bit of worry, to be a little bit sad or a little bit anxious from time to time but if there is something that is on your mind a lot, is making you feel upset or something is happening to you that you don't like or someone is hurting you we can help you.
Talk to someone you trust - at home or at school or you can phone Childline.
I have put the poster that we have in school here to remind you of the number.
Remember our CEOP button on line too - you can report anything that worries you online too.
If someone is hurting you or touching you in a way that you don't like you can tell a grown up you trust in school and we will do all we can to help you. The NSPCC website has lots of information for you including the PANTS rule that we remind you about in school each year.
If you are worried that your mum and dad or carers are not giving you what you need to keep you well fed, clean, warm and looked after... watch this video to help you think more about these thoughts.
Childline have great pages for children under 12.
Follow this link for lots of information and advice...
Stay safe and if you need to; speak out.
From Mrs Edward