Thursday 5.11.20
Today in history, we are starting our new topic about toys.
Have a look at the worksheets and fill them in.
Have fun.
Friday 23.10.20
Today is art and in school we are designing our own dinosaur and painting it.
Have a think about:
When you have designed your dinosaur, you could send a photo so I could show your friends.
Have a great day and happy half term.
22.10.20 RE
Today we are looking at Sukkot, which is a harvest festival celebrated by people who belong to the Jewish faith.
Geography/History - Week commencing 13.07.2020
Think about what there is to do in our own seaside town of Southport.
Think about ways that we could make Southport better.
Imagine you are in charge of Southport.
What would you build there? What do you already like about it?
Design your own imaginary map of Southport.
Learning Objective - To know why Joseph is considered a hero in the story and what we can learn from the story.
BIG QUESTION – what can we learn from the story?
Task 1 - Ask the children to think about their "strengths of character" and to think of these as a 'Super Power'. In the story of Joseph, one of his 'Super Powers' could be described as 'integrity'. Use the writing template to write about your 'super power'.
Task 2 - Children to record their favourite part of the story and record what they think they can learn from the story to impact their lives.
Learning Objective - To know about the joy of the united family of Jacob & his sons.
Link to PSHE - Learning Objective - To understand the benefits of forgiving.
Retell the part in the story where Joseph told his brother who he was, using role-play/stick puppets . Discuss Joseph’s feelings and the brothers’ feelings. Were any of the feelings the same? Did both sides need to forgive? What was the result? Role-play or use stick puppets to retell the time when Joseph met Jacob again. Did he have to forgive any of his sons? Would he have any regrets? Reflect on the part God played in Josephs’s life. You may like to listen to some of the songs from the show.
Learning Objective: To know how Joseph tested his brothers
Explore what a famine is, find out about places experiencing famine today and talk about what it must be like. Discuss the desperation of Joseph’s brothers. Read the part of the story where the brothers come to Egypt to ask for corn (PowerPoint slides 18-20). How did Joseph feel towards his brothers? Was he right not to tell them who he was? What was his motive? Was it fair? Explain how the original dreams had come true.
Learning objective: To understand that God used Joseph’s gift of being able to interpret dreams.
Watch the part of the story again where Joseph was explaining dreams when he was in prison. Use the song from the show 'Joseph' & make up a dance about the king’s dreams. Discuss how things are changing for Joseph. Compare his despair as a slave and his power at court..
PSHE Link - To relate the feelings and experiences of Joseph to things you face.
Talk about the fact that life has its good & bad times. Record some examples of good and bad times from Joseph’s life and from your own life.
Learning Objective: To know about Joseph’s dreams.
Recall and discuss the meaning of the dreams in the story. Draw the symbols from Joseph’s dreams & explain their meaning. Draw yourself asleep with a dream bubble describing your dream. Write a sentence to explain each of the dreams, including your own dream.
PSHE - To appreciate that all families have good & bad times and to understand sibling rivalry.
Think about two good things & one difficult thing about being with a brother, sister or cousin. Think about the brothers’ feelings from the story. Were they right to be jealous? Should Jacob have given Joseph the coat? Make a big paper outline of a coat, write down some of the things you want to do to improve relationships in your family, stick on the coat and colour in. Make up a drama that explores sibling rivalry.
Look at the similarities and differences between seaside destinations then and now, using the PowerPoints above. Compare the similarities and differences between the past and present using the activity sheet above.
What is Ascension Day?
Use the PowerPoint and fact file above to learn about Jesus' ascension into heaven. Then answer the questions in the quiz to see how much you can remember. Don't forget to check your answers!
Music Weeks 4 & 5
Over the next two weeks (until half term), I would like you to experiment with making different sounds. You may want to make your own instruments, you may have your own musical instruments that you could play, or you might want to use a variety of household objects that could be turned into instruments for the purpose of this task. Once you have spent time experimenting, I would like you to play along to The Beatles 'All You Need is Love' track and ask someone to record/video you doing this. If you can email these to me, I will create a "Mash-up" of all of the work. It does not need to be the whole song. The most important thing is that you have FUN making music!
History - Week Commencing 11.05.2020
History - Week beginning 04.05.2020
Take a look at the History page on the school website to find out some information and activities about 'VE Day' 2020, where on Friday 8th May we celebrate 75 years since the end of WW2. What are you going to do to celebrate? Any pictures or videos that you send to me will be included in our 'whole school commemoration video'.
This week I would like you to listen to the song using the link below and then complete the activity above. It would be great if you could send me your song reviews by email, so I can post them on our class page and blog! Happy listening!
This half term we are going to be learning about The Beatles. This week I would like you to listen to the song using the link below and then complete the activity above. It would be great if you could send me your song reviews by email, so I can post them on our class page and blog! Happy listening!
Week commencing 30.3.2020
Science - Purple Mash activity
Music - Purple Mash activity
History - Purple Mash activity
French -
PE -
RE - Purple Mash activity
PSHE - 1 Decision (helping someone in need)
Week commencing 23.3.2020
Science - Purple Mash activity
Music - Purple Mash activity
History - Purple Mash activity
French/PE -
RE - Purple Mash activity
PSHE - 1 Decision (Water Spillage)