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Mental Health and Well being

We believe that a healthy mind is as essential as a healthy body. 

At St Philips we have a number of projects running to support the mental well being of our whole school family.

Staff have undertaken a 6 week personal mindfulness course which we are gradually aiming to role out to our whole school. Staff are also trained on the ROAR approach. ROAR responds to mental health in primary schools.  It is a first-line response aimed at equipping professionals with the tools to provide early intervention and support for children who are experiencing mental distress. Ask your child about the ROAR rainbow.


We currently have:

  • Individual and group programmes led by staff in school such as volcano in my tummy, Heartmath, Kid skills and other published Emotional well being programmes
  • Outside courses for parents/carers and children such as Parenting the Anxious Child and RELAX kids (run by Early Help)
  • A focus for our  Governing Board Vision and Values Committee is Staff well being.
  • A Mental Health Lead in school and Mental Health Link Governor
  • Support from the Mental Health in Schools Team and school have an assigned Educational Mental Health Practitioner - (referrals via class teacher can be made)
  • Pastoral support for children, our adult workforce and our families from our Vicar
  • Weekly counselling service - (by arrangement)
  • We celebrate and teach about a healthy mind at regular points throughout the day including special events such as  Mental Health and Well being day and mental Health Awareness week.
  • Displays around school
  • Worry boxes and posters to help
  • Adults who will always listen

As a Church of England school we hope that you feel that we are able to provide you and your child with:

An education for knowledge and skills

An education for hope and aspiration

An education for community and living well

An education for dignity and respect.

With all of these elements embedded across our curriculum offer we cannot fail to have children who flourish. 

Mental Health Lead in School - Alison Klaassen

Link Governor - Julie Lincoln

PSCHE Subject Lead - Emma Cooper


Mental Health and Well being policy

National Mental Health and Well being Day Celebration

The Stress bucket! Mental Health First Aid

Five Finger breathing technique
