Tuesday 5th January
1. Log on to Purple Mash.
2. Read chapter 1 of 'Puddleton Bay and Max'.
3. Complete the quiz and 'Missing words' activity.
4. Listen to the story below. This is the story we will be using the rest of the week.
Spellings for Week 7
This week, if you were in school, you would be being tested on all the spellings from this half-term. Practise the spellings youhave had for this half-term to check you can spell them all.
Thursday 16th July
Good morning Y2 ,
It is our final day of the summer term online learning and this makes me a little sad.
I know you will be back in school for your chance to say hello and goodbye to your current teachers and that will be exciting and I am sure you are looking forward to your Summer holiday too.
Today we are looking at fact or opinion.
Fact is when something is true, such as;
Tiddler is a book written by Julia Donaldson.
This is true, she did write the book so it is a fact.
Opinion is what someone thinks about something, such as;
Tiddler is a funny story.
This is what some people think. Some people will agree that the book is funny but others may disagree so it is an opinion.
We are also looking at time connectives.
Time connectives are words or phrases which are used to tell a reader WHEN something is happening.
For example: This morning, I ate fried bananas for breakfast.
Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs.
The example I gave you from the story is 'meanwhile'. Can you think of any others? If you have the book, look through it to find some time connectives in the story.
Finally, we are investigating adjectives.
You have done a lot of work on adjectives so I would like you to show me what you have learned by thinking of some great adjectives to describe our little friend Tiddler.
Have a wonderful summer everyone,
Lots of love
from Mrs Afford
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning Y2
Today we are going to re-tell the story of Tiddler, the story-telling fish on a storyboard. Storyboards are used to layout the basic parts of a story using pictures and a sentence. This is then developed fully; as either a play or film script, a poem or a full story.
Storyboards are used to create adverts and film traillers as well as longer productions.
Watch the story of Tiddler again to remind you of each part of the story and decide which scenes from the story you want to record. You will then draw a picture for that scene and write a sentence to show where it is set or what is happening.
There is a template for your storyboard below the video.
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Year 2
How are you all? That awful rain went away and it was a lovely evening wasn't it?
Today you are going to build some fantastic sentences. I have given you some words; adjectives, verb and adverbs to give you some ideas. You mix and match them to make some great sentences!
Here is an example;
The fun-loving fish glided smoothly past the superb starfish.
Use the words from each of the boxes of have a go at choosing your own. Make up your own interesting sentences.
Monday 13th July
Good morning Year 2
Did you have a lovely weekend? The weather was so much better wasn't it?
Today we are going to be listening to one of my favourite stories, 'Tiddler'
Tiddler was a small fish who told tall tales.
Watch the video of Tiddler being told to you and then look at the comprehension questions. It is a good idea to re-watch the story after you have read the questions and pause the story as you answer them.
Spellings for Week 6
This week's spellings include our seven question words, who? what? which? when? why? how? and where?
They also include three words from English grammar that we will be focusing on this week to create some lovely descriptive writing. adjective, adverb and verb
who why
what how
which where
when adverb
adjective verb
Friday 10th July
Good morning Y2
Are you ready to hear our lovely story read to you?
There was not a video clip available for the end of our story I'm afraid but it is always a treat to have a story read to you.
The gentleman reading it does the different voices just as I love to do.
Once you have listened to the story and seen the gorgeous pictures, I have a sorting activity for you.
I have all the pictures from the book but they are all muddled up and I need you to put them into chronological order.
This is when you arrange things into the order that they happened - a timeline of events.
Once you have sorted the pictures, I would like you to draw arrows from picture to picture to show which way to follow. I have started you off to show you what I mean.
There are two documents,
1. Instruction and example
2. The pictures to re-order
Thursday 9th July
Good morning Y2
Today I would like you to look at the Sea Creature Facts PowerPoints. There are two different ones. There are different sea creatures in them and each one icludes facts about the creatures.
I would like you to create an information page on Sea Creatures using this information and anything you have found out for yourself.
You can do this in different ways;
1. Use the Sea Creature Passport template.
2. Use the Fact File template (3 different ones).
3. Use the Sea Creature Fact File template.
*** You will need to draw a picture and add bullet points/sub-headings to your page. ***
Have a look at the different templates and see which style you like best.
I have added some examples below.
Wednesday 8th July
Good morning everyone
Today I have posted the last clip of our lovely story, 'The Snail and the Whale'. Sadly it doesn ot take us to the end of the story but it does show us the effort the snail makes to find help for his friend the whale.
The whale has been confused by all the tourists in the sea driving their noisy, fast speedboats about and has found himself run aground on the beach. What is worse, is that the tide is going out!
The poor whale is stranded!!
The snail may be small but he can move on the land unlike the whale. This is his chance to do something amazing!
Watch the clip to share his journey.
He was so brave wasn't he? He must have been a little worried about the seaguls. Remember in the first clip, then he tried to get aboard the ship and they tried to eat him?!
Imagine you are the snail and you are going to send a postcard home. What would you write about?
I have included an example of what the whale may write on his to give you some ideas.
Remember to add adjectives and adverbs and exciting verbs where you can to make it more interesting.
I have included a postcard template to use if you would like to.
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning everyone
Today we have the next part of ur story, 'The Snail and the Whale'
Yesterday, the snail and the whale experienced the storm and the beautiful moon. What do you think the whale will show the snail today?
Click on the link below to see what happens next.
After seeing the sun, the moon, and the stars the whale loses his way!
The excitement builds up as they are having such a lovely time but then... disaster strikes!
Looking back over the story so far, the snail and the whale have had some scary moments where they were in danger or had a problem to solve.
Today, I would like you to look at the pictures on the activity sheet of each stage of the story where they have faced danger or a problem.
Write a descriptive sentence about each one.
Do it like this:
The tiny snail attempted to get onto a large boat so he could experience the wonderful world but he was nearly eaten by hungry seaguls.
By adding adjectives we are given a better description.
Interesting verbs make it a better sentence.
Add adverbs to describe the verbs.
Monday 6th July
Good morning Y2
Did you have a lovely weekend? The weather was rather wet wasn't it?
Are you ready for another installment of our story, 'The Snail and the Whale'?
In today's clip, they find themselves in the middle of a storm and the snail falls from the whale's tail!
While you are watching it, think about how the sail must be feeling; lots of great describing words (adjectives) to describe the nouns.
The frightened snail could not see anything under the dark water.
We can also use adverbs to describe the verbs (action/doing words).
If we use these words in our sentences we can create really interesting and super descriptive writing.
Use the prompt sheet and word mat to help you.
Friday 3rd July
Good morning Y2,
Are you ready to watch the next installment of 'The Whale and the Snail'?
In this part of the story the whale journeys down deep into the lovely rocks and caves.
Here they meet all sorts of sea life; stripy fish with feathery fins, mean-looking sharks and playful dolphins.
There are some lovely images and as you are watching I would like you to think of really good adjectives to describe the underwater scenes.
Jot them down awhile you are watching and use them in a descriptive sentence.
That was quite exciting wasn't it?
The whale in our story is a humpback whale. Below is a diagram of a humpback whale.
A diagram is a picture that is labelled to give you more information.
Look at this diagram and then complete the labelling a diagram activity.
Thursday 2nd July
Good morning everyone
Today we are going to watch another part of the lovely animation, 'The Whale and the Snail'
How is the snail feeling now?
In this section of the story, the narrator tells us how they visit the crashing waves and far off golden sands.
These lovely verses not only rhyme, but they contain lovely adjectives that help to create a wonderful picture in your head of what the snail can see.
The author also uses really interesting verbs too such as crashed to describe the waves.
In the following activity, I would like you to identify all the verbs and adjectives in this section of the story. Underline them in the text and then write them all out neatlyin two columns, one for the adjectives and one for the verbs.
Can you write your own description of what the snail sees on his journey today using lots of wonderful verbs and adjectives?
Wednesday 1st July
Happy Wednesday everyone, it's the first of July!
Before you watch today's video clip, re-watch yesterday's to remind you of how the little snail was feeling.
Be thinking about how he now feels once he has been picked up by the whale as you are watching today's video clip.
Today's video clip from 'The Whale and the Snail' is where the whale finds the little snail and offers him a lift.
Think about how you can describe the little snail's feelings. To do this you need adjectives (describing words). Adjectives describe nouns.
To write a good description, you need to use noun phrases. These are simply when you add adjectives to the nouns.
For example;
The whale dived into the sea -> The large, black whale dived into the deep, blue sea.
By adding those adjectives to the nouns, the sentence tells us a lot more.
This creates a noun phrase.
Did you enjoy that? I love this annimation
What do you think the snail's feeling are now?
Do you think they have changed?
Write a description of the snail's feelings and dreams and then another one to describe how you think he feels now.
Remember to use adjectives to create some lovely noun phrases!
The activity sheet is below.
Tuesday 30th June
Good morning Y2!
Here's to a happy Tuesdsay morning- the last day of June. It is a shame it is not as sunny or warm as last week but I hope this week's activities will cheer you up.
We are staying with our seaside theme and looking at the Lovely story, 'The Snail and the Whale' this week. One of my favourites.
The story starts with the little snail on the rock as black as soot who dreams of travelling and seeing the world but will it ever happen?
Watch the annimation by clicking on the link below to see the little snail dreaming of seeing the world.
After that, I would like you to sort out an instruction document all about 'Making a Snailery'.
Unfortunately, the little snail has been investigating it and has muddled up all the instructions!
I need you to read through it and sort it out so all the instructions are in the correct order.
You can print out and cut up each part and put back into the correct order, or re-write the instructions correctly or even type them up on a word document.
I have included the answers for you to check when you have finished, but no peeking beforehand
You could always make a Snailery of your own. If you do, I'd love to see photographs of it.
An empty ice-cream carton is a good container as it already has a separate lid!
Spellings - Week 5
Months of the year and time vocabulary.
November December
after past
hour half
minute quarter
month secondMonday 29th June
A very good Monday morning to you all
I hope you had a lovely weekend despite the rain.
This week we are continuing with our Seaside Theme. Looking at a couple of my favourite books, 'Tiddler' and 'The Whale And The Snail'.
Today we will be revisiting Adjectives with the suffixes -er and -est.
I have included a game to play if you can print it out, both in colour and in black and white. There are question cards too. This is a fun way to test your knowledge and spelling.
There is also an Application Activity for you to do as well as a Mini Test you may like to have a go at.
Friday 26th June
Hello Year 2
Today, you are going to write a Seaside Poem.
Watch the video, thinking about what you can see, hear, and would be able to smell or touch.
Your poem is going to be about your senses at the seaside.
I have included a word mat for some words and spellings.
Enjoy and I will be back on Monday
Love From
Mrs Afford
Thursday 15th June
Good morning year 2!
It was hot on Wednesday.
It will be hotter today.
It will be the hottest on Friday.
Can you spot the compatrative adjectives in those sentences?
Look carefully at the root word 'hot'. Now look at the spelling of 'hotter' and 'hottest'
What do you notice?
The consonant t doubles before you add the suffixes -er and -est.
These words do not follow the pattern of just adding the suffixes.
There are other spellings of words where the root word changes when you add the suffixes.
Watch the PowerPoint to find out about more of these words. They are all comparative adjectives.
Words that end in 'y' or 'e' for example
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Y2
What did you think about the annimation yesterday? I loved it. I must say that book is one of my favourites.
Today. we are looking at how to make comparisons between things.
You can show comparison between things by adding the suffixes -er and -est to adjectives.
For example, The Fish Who Could Wish was silly.
He made a sillier mistake.
It was the silliest thing he ever did.
Here we have made a comparison showing how silly the fish was.
silly - sillier - silliest
The mouse was small.
The snail was smaller.
The ant was the smallest.
This comparison is between the size of the different animals.
small - smaller - smallest
Watch the PowerPoint to find out more and complete the activity sheet to show off what you have learnt.
Spellings for this week beginning 22.6,20
Tuesday 23rd June
Hello again Y2!
Did you enjoy listening to the story poem, 'The Fish Who Could Wish' yesterday?
The Fish Who Could Wish is a little like Aladdin when he found the lamp and the genie granted his wishes don't you think?
Today, I would like you to think about what you would wish for if you could wish for anything and it would come true.
Would you wish for something for yourself, your family or friends. How many wishes would you make?
I would like you to write out your wishes for me.
Remember to write in full sentences and use the correct punctuation.
Before you do your lovely writing, I wouldlike you to watch this annimated video of the story with Robbie Coltrane reading it to you. You may have to click on the English Flag to hear it in English. I already have but not sure if it has saved or not.
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Y2
Mrs Afford here!
I will be setting your work over the next few weeks so any questions you may have or photographs you may wish to send me of you and/or your work, please send to me at;
This week we will be looking at 'The Fish Who Could Wish'.
You may have the book at home but if not, I have added a link so you can listen to the poem being read, whilst looking at the pictures.
The activity I have set for you is finding the rhyming words (words that sound the same) in the poem and either highlighting them or underlining them.
If you do not have a printer, you can highlight the words on the document.
See you tomorrow
Love from,
Mrs Afford
I am so sorry that yesterday's Snowball Smash Spelling game didn't work. When I planned the week's work, the game was free but it seems that they have changed which game had free access. Now you can play Spelling Road Hopper instead.
Thursday 21.5.20
Story Writing
We have enjoyed three stories:
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jim and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Jellybean stalk
Today and tomorrow I would like you to make up your own story based on Jack and the Beanstalk.
Can you write your own adventure about Jack, the beanstalk and the giant?
Use the structure of the story but change it to make it your own.
You have 2 days to plan and write your story so take your time and make it your very best.
I can't wait to read them.
Listen to and enjoy the story and then please complete the book review.
Remember to write in full sentences please.
You could either print out the sheet or use the same headings when you write in your exercise book.
Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th May
Today's English is a bit different.
You should have all received an email last week about a project called 'My Life in Lockdown'.
Please spend today and tomorrow completing your own piece of work recording your experiences.
All work needs to returned by Wednesday. You can either email it to me or drop it into the school post box while out on your daily walk.
I have attached the details below in case you can't find the email.
Good luck, please make it the best you possibly can.