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Thursday 16th July - Geography

Hello everyone, smiley

Did you enjoy learning about St. Ives? It is very similar to Southport in a lot of ways but they certainly have the better weather!!


Today we are looking at Islands.


       What is an Island?

An island is an area of land surrounded completely by water. It may be in a river, a lake or the sea.

Islands can be different shapes and sizes. Some islands are large, like Britain, others are small, like Orkney, and you could easily walk around them. 


You will need a map, Atlas or online map to complete today's activity.

We are going to be investigating some of the islands around Britain. To do this, you will need access to an atlass, a map of Britian or Google maps.


Watch the BBC video clip about life on the Orkney Islands. Think about the similarities and differences living there compared to living in Southport.

Things to think about;

  • houses and homes
  • transport and traffic
  • physical landscape
  • people and jobs



Look at the world map at the end of the PowerPoint. Find some islands further away. Look for hot islands and cold islands around the world. 

Use your knowledge of countries and continents near the equator or the north or south poles to help you to decide if they will be hot or cold.



The British Isles

Thursday 16th July - PE

Try these fun challenges with your family.


Thursday 9th July 


Good afternoon Y2 laugh

Last week we were comparing seaside towns from the past to those of today. Some things were quite different but many had remained the same.

This week we are going to be exploring an coastal town in England. We are going to be investigating St. Ives; a seaside town in Cornwall

Cornwall is at the very tip of England and the furtherst county we have in the UK.

In fact it is further south than some Northern French Towns!


Have you been to St. Ives? Have you been somewhere else in Cornwall?

You are going to take a virtual tour of St. Ives from your own home.

Watch the PowerPoint to find out all about the town, look at where it is in the Uk and watch a video about the place.

*** It will help if you have access to Google maps. ***

Your first activity will be to create a word web about St. Ives as you go through the PowerPoint.

Your second activity is to plan a visit to the town; listing the places you will visit and showing the order.

This is called an 'Itinery'. It is a plan of what you are going to do and when.

When you have finished, I would like you to think about how St. Ives is different to Southport and in what ways it is similar.

Aerial Views of St. Ives

Thursday 2nd July

Geography topic

Today we are going to look at the Seaside as it is today and how it was in the past.

Southport is a Victorian town and it was the Victorians that made it fashionable to go to the seaside. Certain seaside resorts were made famous by the Victorians. These include, Southport, Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton, Bournmouth and Lyme Regis.

Seaside holidays back then were very different. Most Victorians would go to a British seaside, such as Southport because flying to another country wasn’t an option.


They believed that the seaside air was good for you. When TB broke out, many doctors sent their (more wealthy) patients to coastal towns as they believed the sea air would help them.


Nobody sunbathed in victorian times. The Victorians would go to the beach fully clothed and ‘sea bathing’ was done instead. Their 'sea clothes' would cover up most of their bodies.


Beaches were a lot cleaner back then. People were more respectful of the areas but also there weren’t as many packaged foods and snacks.

People would buy ice-creams and snacks but they would not be packaged like they are today.

There were no plastic or sterophyne containers, just newspaper.

Winkles and shrimps were popular along with fish and chips.


Watch the PowerPoint to see photographs of seaside resorts from the past and of today.

What differences can you see? 

What is the same?


To complete the final activity to locate seaside towns, you will need an Atlas or use an online Atlas such as Google Maps.


Here is a fun game you can do at home. You can do it outside (if the weather improves) or inside if not. Do make sure you check with an adult first and clear a space in the room where you are going to do the activity. yes

Home PE | Sock Challenge KS1

Our latest Home PE activity is The Sock Challenge. Stay fit and active during the lockdown with our fun program of activities that kids can complete at home....

Thursday 24th June 


This is a lovely topic for you Y2! smiley

You will be able to go to the beaches around us and explore whilst doing your work. Sounds like great fun to me.

Today you are going to be looking at 'the features of the seaside'. Some Seaside areas have some of the features and somewhere else will have different features.

As you go through the PowerPoint, look carefully at the pictures. Think about which features we have here in Southport.


Thursday 18.6.20


Today's activities are really fun.

  1. Work through the PowerPoint with a grown up and talk about your answers. 
  2. This activity will involve a walk down to the beach with your grown-ups. Can you make a seaside in a jar? 




Thursday 11.6.20


This half term's topic is        

Beside the sea


  1. Look at the PowerPoint. (Note to parents, there is a sad story included in the video)
  2. Can you use Google Earth (or an atlas, if you have one) to find the places Seb visited and put them on your map (activity sheet 4).
  3. Matching activity (activity sheet 5). Can you match the picture and the map? You will need to be like a detective and look for clues.  If you can't print these sheets out, don't worry, you can still do this activity - just talk them through with a grown up. 
  4. This activity is tricky. You will need a grown-up to help you with all the new words.  Together you can use the knowledge box to learn all about the different coastal features. I have included a picture of each feature to help you with your matching. 

In better weather try these fun games


Thursday 4.6.20


This half term's topic is        

Beside the sea


  1. Look at the PowerPoint. Make sure you read the headings as well as looking at the pictures.
  2. Read about all the people who work or live by the coast? (activity sheet 1)
  3. Do you have any questions about the coast? You could either write them on the brick worksheet or write them in your books - Eg I wonder ........................... (activity sheet 2)
  4. Look at the map of the UK. Please add any places you have visited to the map?  You could use Google Earth to help you locate them. I know this will be difficult without a printer. You could ask your grown up to draw you a rough outline of the UK. (activity sheet 3)
  5. Write a postcard from Southport, telling the reader about all the things you saw and did during your visit to Southport. Make sure you include coastal activities and remember to add a picture to the front. This activity has been set on Purple Mash. I wonder how many of you will earn a reward for super writing?

Thursday 21.5.20

How an act of bravery changed history


  • This is the story of how 27 men gave their lives to save 12 total strangers.
  • The Southport lifeboat alone left 13 widows and 50 orphans.
  • As a result, the first ever street collection was created; raising an amazing £5,500 in coppers one day.
  • Southport was to become famous across England.


Design a poster to advertise the first street collection. 

Make sure your poster:

is eye-catching,

is bold and clear,

uses short snappy slogans,

tells the reader why you are collecting money

eg Help support the widows

Give what you can

Real PE at home – online learning resources

Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. There are hours of fun activities and challenges to enjoy.

Have fun and stay active.

Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password:  stphilipsc


Thursday 14th May

Today you are going to retell the events of The Eliza Fernley Lifeboat disaster in pictures. 

Don't worry if you can't print out the worksheet, you can still draw the pictures. 

I have added the photostory below so you can look at the pictures for ideas. 

VE Day Preparations

You will need to start your preparations for VE Day today. 

Remember it's VE  Day is tomorrow -  Friday 8th May

There are lots of exciting things to do. 

Follow the links for information and ideas.




Can you fill in the worksheet about the Eliza Fernley lifeboat disaster? 

If you can't print out the worksheet, you can write the answers straight into your exercise book. 

You will be able to find all the answers on the Powerpoint from last week. 

Good luck. 

Thursday 23rd April

History - The Eliza Fernley Lifeboat disaster


This is our local history unit of work and we will learn all about a terrible disaster which happened just of the coast of Southport in 1886.


1)    First watch the photo story.   Talk to a grown up about the questions below.


                                                      How does it make you feel? 

                                                      What do you think is happening?

                                                      Does it look like it happened recently or a long time ago?

                                                      How can you tell?

                                                      What was the weather like?

                                                      What were the men in the smaller boats trying to do?

                                                      Did you notice that some pictures were taken more recently?

                                                      What were these pictures of? 


2)  Read the PowerPoint with a grown-up


3) Can you find any more facts about the disaster? 

Photo story (click on slide show, then from the beginning)

You will need to read the PowerPoint with a grown up so you understand what happened on that terrible night.

Thursday 2.4.20

PE and Geography this afternoon. 

PE  Joe Wicks workout on YouTube - you can catch up with any you have missed. 

Geography - Today you are going to listen to some children who live in Australia. The children live in very different places, see if you can spot the differences. Can you find out what is meant by the words urban and rural? 

Watch the clip and then fill in the worksheet (if you can't print out the sheet then you can copy the table into your book). 

Thursday 26.3.20

This afternoon's lessons are Geography and PE.

Let's see if you can find lots of interesting facts about Australia.

I have included a fact finding worksheet for you to fill in, if you are able to print it off at home,  or use the headings in your workbook. 
