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School Council


Welcome to St. Philip's School Council


Here at St. Philip's C of E Primary School, the School Council have a clear mission:


"To work on behalf of our fellow students to improve our school and local community , to raise awareness of important issues both locally, nationally and internationally and to foster a culture where children feel comfortable, happy and safe while learning."


The School Council at St. Philip's C of E Primary School are a team of committed and passionate children. At the beginning of the school year children from Years 2 to Year 6 democratically elect 2 school council members. We discuss the agenda and each term's focus. 



See below the new members of our School Council 2022-2023

School Council 2023-24

Love My Ccommunity - Yellow day

School Councillors 2022-2023

SLP School Council Celebration Event at Birkdale High School

Our Year 5 and Year 3 School Councillors reprsented St Philip's at the Southport Learning Partnership, School Council Celebration Event at Birkdale High School. The event was an opportunity to showcase and celebrate all the wonderful things that School Council have done this year, and to find out what other schools have been doing as well!

ST Philip's Equality Day

School Council led a worship to  explain what 'equality' means, to introduce our Equality project.

Each class then discussed what equality means to them and created art work to represent what Equality looks like at St Philip's, in our local community and in the wider world. 

Finally, we displayed our art work in our very own St Philip's Equality Art Exhibition, to share with the rest of the school!

Red Nose day 2023

Children's Mental Health Week

School Council led a Mental Health Toolkit afternoon, providing children the opportunity to try out different mindful activities that they could use as part of their own Mental Health Toolkit! These included Yoga with Mr Highton, Mindful Colouring with Miss Chambers, Gratitude Jar with Mrs Bond, Singing with Mrs Ibison, Reading with Mrs Byrne and Meditation with Mr Vernon. 

Southport Learning Partnership Logo Competition

We raised an amazing £182 for Children in Need by wearing our pyjamas to school!

Our Black History Month Winning Artwork Police Van!








Past Years


Southport Learning Partnership Event

St. Philip's CE Primary School - School Councillors 2019-20

School Council 2019-20

Look under our Latest Campaigns to see all our photos from Grandparent's Day 2018



smileySCHOOL COUNCIL 2017-18smiley

The school council at St. Philip's Primary School would like to welcome you all to our web page. 

We work hard in the school council to represent the needs and thoughts of all the children in our school. We campaigh for things for our school as well as fundraising for important events in our community and further afield. We are proud to be part of the Southport Learning Partnership where we work with other schools in our area to have a greater impact. 

Enjoy exploring our page. 

The School Council 2017-'18

Latest News 

Look here for all our latest news - including our latest fundraising efforts and initiatives. 

St. Philip's School Council Celebration Event at Birkdale High School 4th July 2018

Smoothie Making Workshop enjoyed by The School Council

Our local MP joins us at our School Council Meeting 23/2/18

Thank you to the School Council for arranging a "Go Spotty for Children in Need" Day

Still image for this video
We do love Pudsey here at St. Philip's

School Councillors attend the Southport Learning Partnership Planning Meeting 14/11/17

 The class petitions have been handed to Mrs Edward. Photos can be seen on the British values link below.

School Council Meeting 18.10.17


The petitions! This was an exciting meeting as councillors counted up their signature totals. They have still to be verified but some look to have got over 80 signatures

Pupils from each group had been busy thinking of ideas about how to improve the canteen on a budget of £50. Some year groups had put together quite detailed proposals. All had got signatures from their own class and most had got signatures from other classes and even staff.

Signatures are currently being verified! The petitions with the most signatures will be sent to Mrs Edward for her consideration. Just like with government petitions, she might call pupils to give more detail or explain their ideas more. She may then decide to adopt the ideas or she may decide not to! Just like with our government, if there are enough signatures, she will give a response to explain her decision.


After that, councillors discussed the school wide campaign for after half term and ideas for raising money for Children in Need.

Tell your councillor if you have an idea….Voice your View!!

The School Council meeting on 13th October shared information from the Southport Learning Partnership. Councillors were asked to get ideas for the next meeting about a campaign for how we could improve the school e.g. healthy eating or road safety. Secondly we need to decide on a local charity to support. Later in the year we will choose a global campaign to take part in.

Some photos of the meeting are below.

Petitions also need completing by Wednesday. See below.



School Council Petition

11.10.17 councillors were given this important task to share with their classes


Petitions are part of our democratic system. They are a way of showing the people with power to change things, what other people would like to change.

A petition is a request for action which is then signed by those that agree with it to show that it is an idea that lots of people agree with. People have to give their first and last names and their address.


Mrs Edward has £50 ready to be spent on something that would improve our canteen. Each class is asked to think about this and put forward a petition about their idea…remember there is only £50 for this, so be realistic.


The petition request should be worded politely and clearly. There should be an explanation of why it would be a good idea. Once this has been written by your class councillor, get as many signatures from school as you can.

See below for an example.

Your petition needs to be ready to hand in to the school council next Wednesday (18th). The school council will look at all the petitions and hand on the one/s with the most signatures for Mrs Edward to consider. Just like happens with our government and petitions, only ones with lots of signatures will be considered at all, and only ones that can actually be put into practice (in this case with the £50 spending limit). Also just like with our government, Mrs Edward will have to consider the most popular and discuss with other school leaders/governors but this does not mean that they will necessarily go ahead with it. Petitions are a chance to get your ideas put into action.

Example of petition format


We think that buying……………………….would improve our canteen because it would ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Signatures with first and last name and year group

John Logan Year 3

Maria Hopkin Year 3

Cheryl Barker Year 3

Mike Ball Year 4 ………………………………..

Student council surgeries are up and running for children to voice their views

Our first School Council meeting 27th September 2017

Here is the new School Council for 2017-18




“I want to help improve the school and help people to be happier”

“ I want to listen to what my class has to say and bring their ideas here.”

“ I’d like to see if we can make improvements to the Junior Playground”

“ I want us to raise as much money for charity as we can.”

The new school councillors will be talking to their classes about what ideas they have for improving the school and what charities to support.
Below is the school council from 2016-17

"We, the new members of the school council are very excited about the prospect of making a difference in our school and local community. We'd like to raise money for some local charities...we'd like to support the Southport Soup Kitchen this half of the year. "

Soup and Shelter Day at St. Philip's C of E Primary School


Thank you to all those who took part in our Soup and Shelter Day.

It was a great success!

We raised a fantastic £153 for our local Soup Kitchen and we have all developed an awareness of what it is like to have nothing but a cardboard box for shelter.

Thank you to the representative from the Soup Kitchen who kindly explained daily life in the soup kitchen and detailed ways in which we can help further.


smileyMeeting North West in Bloom smiley


Members of the School Council were invited to meet with the judges of North West in Bloom today.

Two Year 5 children met the judges at Kings Gardens, alongside members of Friends of Kings Gardens to explain their involvement in the development of the sensory garden flowerbeds.

The judges were very impressed by their participation in The Green Machine initiative and the children showed off their knowledge of plants and shrubs eloquently.

Well done!

Remembrance Sunday's Giant Poppy

A Green Machine Initiative
Take a look at the Giant Poppy which all members of the school council helped to create.  A lovely morning was spent painting the bases of recycled plastic bottles red and black. An initiative launched by Sefton Council and The Green Machine saw students from Meols Cop High School, Holy Trinity, Holy Family and Norwood Primary School as well as us from St Philip's work collaboratively to create this wonderful poppy to commemorate the fallen heroes. 




We have now started our local community audit, finding out what all the buildings are used for in the area and seeing how we can best serve the needs of others. Thanks for giving up your lunchtimes folks!

Thank you to Emily and Jake for spending the afternoon busy weeding the special bed devoted to the Green Machine at King's Gardens. We cleared it out of weeds and then planted bulbs and flowers ready for the public to enjoy.

The school council did a wonderful job last Wednesday designing 3D art models for King's Gardens. We were joined by our friends at Holy Family Primary School and the Sefton gardening team. If you stroll along the gardens by the model village and crazy putting you will see our works of art in green boxes dotted along the route. Go and have a look!
Our thanks to Pippa, Toby, Emily and Tirstan who worked really hard on constructing bug boxes for King's Gardens. We enjoyed meeting children from other schools and take special pride in serving our community in this way. We have spent many years on a variety of projects making sure King's Gardens is a safe and enjoyable place to visit for every one.
We were delighted to welcome Shirley and Brian from the Governing Body who met with the school council.
They asked us lots of questions about our role in school, what we liked and disliked and also got our views on the new Junior Playground project.

Here were some of our ideas:
shelters, monkey bars, flowers, first aid bench, games painted on the ground, no running area, raised beds, butterfly garden, bird houses, re-use the pond area and some stone flooring.

Thank you to everyone for the generous contributions. We raised a staggering £308.40 in just one day!



Why did you want to join the school council?

