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Autumn Term Information & Dates for Your Diary

Thank you for sending your children in to school so well attired. We do expect all children to be wearing full uniform including sensible shoes. Trainers are definitely not allowed! Please do make sure that all items of uniform (including PE kits) are labelled. We are already finding brand new items of clothing in lost property but with no name for identification. All children require a hooded waterproof coat as the rainy Autumn comes upon us.

Water Bottles:
Please send your children into school with a water bottle every day (named, of course!). It's so essential for your children's well-being that they stay hydrated throughout the day.

In Year 4, this term PE lessons are on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please note that children must have full PE kits in school every day as PE lessons may be moved.

PE Kits consist of white polo shirt and navy shorts with black pumps for indoor lessons. For outdoor lessons the children may use navy jogging bottoms and sweatshirts or school jumpers. Trainers are required for outdoor PE. Trainers are not acceptable for indoor PE, only outdoor lessons. Hair must be tied back for PE.

Swimming Lessons:
A letter was sent out to all parents/guardians on 6th September detailing swimming lessons for this term.
Our swimming sessions will begin this Friday, 9th September and the children will be travelling by bus/coach and leaving after their usual lunch time.

Please note:

  • swimming caps are compulsory
  • girls wear full costume / boys wear trunks (not shorts)
  • goggles required
  • towel required
  • all jewellery & earrings MUST BE REMOVED (children will be refused entry to pools if wearing earrings or jewellery)
  • nail varnish is not allowed (same rule applies to school generally)


Class Assembly - Friday 11th November 2016:
Our class assembly this year takes place on Friday 11th November and will begin at 9.15 am in the school hall. The theme we will be looking at is 'Remembrance'. We will be rehearsing hard for this and look forward to as many parents/guardians as possible coming along to see us perform what promises to be a very thoughtful assembly. Put the date in your diaries now!