We are in the Summer term with only a few weeks to go! Please help your child as much as possible with their maths, we will be reviewing all of our curriculum areas over the remaining few weeks. Remember to practice times tables at home as we are having a huge push for badges at the moment!
The children are making great progress with their writing , pop in and see the writing displays if you want to learn more about our magic potions or fronted adverbials.
We will be having our PE lesson on Tuesday afternoons so please make sure that kits are in school. Friday afternoon will now be swimming so don't forget your kit! We are encouraging children to be active during their maths lessons so we are incorporating 'Maths of the Day' activities in to some of our active time!
Homework will be handed out on a Friday with spellings. Please return homework books by the following Wednesday and then spellings will be tested each Friday. Thank you for all of the support that you give at home!
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see us.
Mrs Lamb and Mrs Hinds