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April 27th

Mock SATs this week but also...


What's in a name? We've been talking about names for God and what they tell us about him. We talked about our own names and why our parents gave us them. We've been thinking about what God might look like and what makes God happy or sad. 


Fierce Earth...last week we learned about earthquakes and this week we learned about volcanoes. We enjoy watching these BBC videos which tell us about the causes and consequences of these natural disasters...and how to survive them.



Amelia told us about her dad serving in the army before  she was born.

Leonie brought in a newspaper article about a woman who gives her time to look after squirrels.

Katie had found Bible quotes about service.

Tom and Chloe brought in t shirts they had from fund raising.

Eve and Chloe ran a fund raiser for a cancer charity among staff.


We've been learning about figures from the past who have served God and made an impact on the way we live. Florence Nightingale changed nursing and hospitals forever. William Wilberforce campaigned to make the slave trade illegal. Martin Luther King worked to make America more equal for black people. His final words in public 50 years ago were 'Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming  of the Lord'.


 Our second remembrance wreath is now on show in the classroom. The multi coloured flowers on it represent all the countries and different people who have served to protect our freedoms and values. Our first wreath is now on show in London!
