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Spring term

 This week we welcomed our local MP, Damien Moore.

He was given a tour of the school by two of our Year 6 History Ambassadors.

 Year 6 got the opportunity to ask him questions. He was asked a range of questions.

What is it like being an MP?

How long do you work for in a week?

What can you do for Southport?

What is being done for the homeless?

What made you want to become an MP?

What is the best part of being an MP?

What kind of things do you debate about in Parliament?


He then visited the School Council where we were busy analysing the Healthy Eating surveys.

Some of our wacky hair can be seen in the photos below.

We were raising money for the Alzheimer Society.

Every Wednesday we have class worship time. We collaborate in groups to come up with ideas for worship and we all take turns in leading parts of our worship time. Our Christian value recently has been perseverance. Pupils have led worship using the life stories of

Joni Eareckson Tada and Catherine and William Booth.
