Welcome to the Year 2 Page!
Look out for Class News here too!
The coming Term in Year 2
The partnership between home and schools is vital if our children are to reach their full potential. We at St.Philip’s are continually seeking to strengthen this partnership and this sheet will, we hope, provide you with information that will enable you to support your child during this term.
Please may we take this opportunity to remind you that registration is taken at 8:55am and lessons commence at 9am. Therefore, arrivals after this time will need to go through the main door at the front of the building and not the classroom door. To allow your child sufficient time to hang up coats and sort out their belongings the door is opened at 8:45am.
As reading is a very important aspect of every child’s learning we are asking you to please support your child’s development by listening to your child read each evening for a few minutes. In this way you will be helping your child and strengthening our partnership.
Children will continue to read the colour banded books until they have reached the lime band before moving on to class library books. Children are still welcome to select a library book to read independently or with an adult as an additional read. Please can your child return read books on Thursdays to be changed.
The children will continue to learn following the topic based format which follows the learning goals as laid out in Reception and Year one. This means a lot of the work is child initiated and many areas will be delivered as part of a topic rather than as a specific individual subject. However, the National Curriculum framework is at the heart of the planning and will be covered in detail.
This terms topic are The Rainbow Fish and Katie Morag. Predominate themes other than literacy are, PSCHE, map reading, co-ordinates and comparing the Ilse of Struay (Coll) with Southport. In English we will be studying stories written by the same author such as, The Rainbow Fish trilogy and related stories, the Katie Morag stories, developing characterisation and setting scenes. Poetry will cover rhythmic and counting poems and non-fiction looking at instructions including recipes, flow charts and making lists. In mathematics we will be studying number bonds to 20, understanding numbers to 100, addition, subtraction and multiplication and introducing division, weight, time, pictograms and 3-D shapes. In science we will be studying forces and life cycles.
Your child will continue to receive spellings to be learned at home each week. These will follow phonic patterns and include topic related words. They will given on a Monday and tested the following Monday to give you more flexibility.
PE sessions remain Mondays and Fridays.. Please ensure that all P.E. clothing is also clearly labelled. Jogging bottoms and sweatshirts may be sent in to be worn for additional warmth during outdoor activities. Please make sure these are also labelled with your child’s name.
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle each day (this can be a simple bottle of water and doesn’t have to be a bought one). Your child will continue to receive fruit for their morning break provided by Sefton.
Mrs Ball has kindly agreed to continue baking with yr 2 this term. This is an activity that the children thoroughly enjoy but as you know the cost of food is ever increasing. Therefore we are requesting a contribution of at least 50p per child this term to cover the cost of the ingredients.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Mrs J Afford Class teacher.