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French (Wednesday)

Tuesday 14th July - French

mardi quatorze juillet

Bonjour mes enfants laugh

Today we are going to learn a song to revise numbers in French from 1 -20!

For those of you who would like a little challenge, I have added a second video showing a song teaching you the numbers 20 - 50 in French!! yes

Have a go at joining in - it's good fun wink

Les chiffres et les nombres de 1 a 20 - alain le lait (French numbers from 1 to 20)

Les chiffres de 1 a 20 (French numbers 1 to 20) ©2011 alain le lait Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept Huit, neuf, dix Onze, dou...

Les chiffres et les nombres de 20 à 50 - alain le lait (French numbers)

Les chiffres et les nombres de 20 à 50 © 2015 Alain Le Lait - Music & animation

Tuesday 14th July - Music

Tune into the BBC Bitesize link below to find out the answer to this question-

Why does singing make you feel good?

Just like exercise, singing releases endorphins and oxytocin, the body’s natural stress and pain relievers.

Singing makes you feel good, and reduces anxiety.

When we sing together with others this promotes a sense of belonging and leaves us feeling connected with our community - we can see this at football matches.

What is happening inside a singer’s body when they sing? How is it that sound is made? Watch the clips to find out the answer to this. There are some activities for you to try at home. laugh

Tuesday 7th July - French

mardi sept juillet

Today you are going to learn a song all about liking fruit!

'J'aime les fruits' = 'I like fruit'.

These are the different fruits in the song

les bananes = bananas

les pommes = apples

les oranges = oranges

les poires = pears

les cerises = cherries

les fraises = strawberries

les ananas = pineapple

les pêches = peaches


You will also hear some extra words like;

aussi = also

et = and

jolies = pretty/lovely

beaux = beautiful

J'aime les fruits - alain le lait (I like fruits)

J'aime les fruits © 2013 alain le lait music & animation

Tuesday 7th July



In today's lesson you are going to play an interactive game to learn about layering music, making a beat and creating your own song.

This lesson includes:

  • one interactive game
  • one activity

In this game you will explore the different elements that make up a song, play or clap along with the music and make then listen back to your own version of songs.


Tuesday 30th June

French - mardi trente juin

Bonjour tout le monde! wink


Last week you watched a PowerPoint all about some animals that you would find in a pet shop - L'animalerie.

This week I would like you to watch a short video (link below) recapping on some of these animals. 

Then I would like you to have a go at completing the worksheet: identifying the different pets. yes 


Pets In French - Sound and names

Traposo the bear shows them some pets. Hear the name and the sound of the different animals.

Pets In French


Fancy learning how to make instruments from jam jars?

Making your own instruments is such good fun! then you have more fun joining in with music by playing them. laugh

Click on the link below to watch the videos and on the activity sheet 'How To Make A Jam Jar Instrument'


Hello Y2,

Here is a game you can play against your brother(s) or sister(s) or even mum or dad! surprise

Corey explains what you will need and gives you the rules of the game.


It is American and they call the rubbish trash and the rubbish bin a trash can. 

Have Fun! smiley

At home P.E. activities for children

Corey has come up with some games involve only things that can be found in the home.

Tuesday 23rd June


In French they do not use capital letters for the day of the week or for the month.


Tuesday 23rd June  =  mardi vingt-trois juin


This week you will be looking new words for pets in French. In the PowerPoint, I have put the words for each animal in french and then added the way to say it underneath using English phonic sounds.


At the end is a slide showing you how to set out sentences showin what pets you may have.


I have two cats = J'ai deux chats.


I have made an activity sheet for you like this and added any words you may need.

Bon chance! smiley

Madame Afford


Here is another song about Suki. This one is called 'Suki Over The Ocean'. 


Nigel and Suki have set sail to find treasure. they are on their way to Golden Island and during the journey Suki does some fishing - catching some interesting things!

What has the weather and the sea have been like so far? 

Can you think of a connection between the weather and travelling at sea?

What happens when there is a storm?


Open the lyrics before you listen to the song so you can follow the words.

Suki Over The Ocean - Lyrics (words)

Tuesday 16.6.20


Real PE at home – online learning resources

Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. There are hours of fun activities and challenges to enjoy.

Have fun and stay active.

Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password:  stphilipsc

Tuesday 9.6.20
PE - See below for last week's PE activities and try a different one. 
Tuesday 2.6.20

Real PE at home – online learning resources

Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. There are hours of fun activities and challenges to enjoy.

Have fun and stay active.

Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password:  stphilipsc


Our topic this half term is seaside so our music lessons will all be about the sea. Have fun.

Peppa Pig 'Sun Sea and Snow' with French/English Subtitles

Watch the video of Peppa Pig.
Can you learn 2 new words?
When you have learnt 2 new words, write them in your exercise books.

Tuesday 19.5.20

Real PE at home – online learning resources

Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. There are hours of fun activities and challenges to enjoy.

Have fun and stay active.

Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password:  stphilipsc


Months Of The Year In French



Remember to complete the sports cube challenges. We were close to winning last week so let's see if we can do it this week. 


Let's revise colours.




Tuesday 28.4.20

French Days of the Week

Learn the days of the week in French, from Monday to Sunday.


Throwing and catching practise

Tuesday 21.4.20

Tuesday 31.3.20

PE, music and French this afternoon. 

Music - Have a go at learning the Tiddalick song. 

French - See the link below to practise colours. 

PE - Cosmic kids - The Twits

      or wow Active cards 



Learn French colours / colors. In this French lesson, Cindy, a native French teacher, teaches you the colours in French with fun animations. This lesson also...

The Twits | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure 📚🐒🐒🐒🐒

Our latest yoga adventure is inspired by the brilliant Roald Dahl story, The Twits. We meet the Mugglewumps - a family of monkeys living in the garden of Mr ...

Tuesday 24.3.20

This afternoon's timetable is - PE, French and music.

There is a French link below to learn the French names of vegetables. 

PE - try out cosmic kids (

Music - explore the websites on the class plan 

Vegetables in French | Beginner French Lessons for Children

In this Beginner French Lesson for Children you will learn the French words for common vegetables including: tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, cucumber, cabbage, pe...
