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SEND within the History Curriculum 


History is a subject that can capture the imagination and attention of all children - the past can be endlessly fascinating. The content can be engaging for all children - the subject discipline requires careful planning and adaptive teaching to promote success across the range of children we teach.


Quality First approaches are used to enable all children to access the   

history curriculum. 


At St Philip’s we ensure that all of our children with SEND  have the entitlement to  broad, balanced and relevant history teaching.  All teaching and support staff are aware of the National Curriculum Inclusion Statement, and with advice from and the support of the SENCO, class teachers match the learning objectives to the needs and abilities of individual pupils. They use a range of strategies to develop the pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills including the use of ICT. Where appropriate, materials are modified or support is provided to enable pupils with SEND to access the learning or the assessment processes. 


 Our history curriculum  

  • Encourages pupils to enjoy learning and prepares them for life as a long-term goal 

  • Uses pathways and specialist approaches with clear purpose 

  • Is age-appropriate and responsive to pupils' specific needs, with targets from pupils’ SEND support plans or education, health and care (EHC) plans 

  • Considers parents' priorities for pupils 

  • Includes targets set by other professionals, such as speech and language therapists or occupational therapists  

  • Promotes literacy, numeracy and good communication at all times


Leaders make sure that the  history curriculum and individual lessons include activities and tasks that are very closely matched to the needs of all pupils.  

Wherever appropriate children with SEND access discreet subject knowledge and have clear subject specific learning objectives that are planned in a progressive and cohesive way. 



AREAS OF NEED                                        ADAPTATION 




Providing history WAGOLLs and writing frames 

Pair talk with careful class seating so that pupils have opportunities to discuss and clarify with a more able peer 

History vocabulary lists – starter activities to revisit new vocabulary 

Pupils offered opportunity to word process for extended writing  


Card sort visual timeline activities – paired discussion and revisiting of knowledge 

Histingo activity – to develop chronological skills 

Starter chronology counting and repeating tasks 

from 9/2021 

Allow thinking time before requiring answers 

Using whiteboards to include and not put undue pressure on pupils for oral answers 

Providing prompts –  

Requiring less writing –  responses in bullet points or diagram form that allow success  

Ipads/class computer/headphones to revisit learning or access alternative history resources e.g. Purple mash and BBC videos 

Learning objectives alongside success criteria  = differentiation that allows success at different levels. 


Links to PSHCE, British Values and Christian Values – exploring different cultures and ways of thinking – finding inspiration in historical figures and cultures from the past 

Knowing why we study history – to appreciate the present and feel connected to our family, local, national and global histories 


Allowing reflection and review time on history tasks 

Celebrating small successes – history certificates given  

Acknowledge oral contributions and effort – create opportunities to be creative - e.g. illustrated history source diagram 


Provision of enlarged resources – coloured backgrounds 

Alternative methods of recording 

Reading rulers 


