Tuesday 5th January
Happy New Year my little mathematicians!
Unfortunately we will not be learning together in our lovely classroom for the next few weeks. However, you will still be completing your learning remotely.
This week we are looking at multiplication.
We are going to be multiplying by 10.
Remember, that when you multiply by any number other than zero, the answer is ALWAYS larger.
When you multiply by 10, the digits move across to the left into a new column.
10 x 4 = 40
10 x 10 = 100
Tuesday 1st December
Morning my little mathematicians
Yesterday we were adding lengths. Today we are going to be subtracting lengths. Apply your knowledge and understanding of subtraction but remember to add the units of measurement.
Monday 30th November
Good morning
Today we are still looking at length and measurement. We are going to be adding different lengths.
Watch the PowerPoint and have a go at the worksheet. Complete as many of the questions as you can and then check your answers with the answers document.
Thursday 26th November
Good morning
We are going to be working with a new measurement today - Kilometres.
In Britain we measure long distance in miles and speed in miles per hour.
However, in many other countries, especially in Europe, they measure their distance in Kilometres and speed in kilometres per hour.
1metre = 100 centimetres
1 kilometre = 1000 metres
Tuesday 24th November
Good morning
Today we are going to be recapping on measurement.
We will be looking at equivalent measures. This is when we look at how many centimetres are in a metre. For example:
100 cm = 1 m
The amount on one side is the same as the amount on the other side although they are in different units.
Watch the PowerPoint and have a go at the true or false question.
Now complete as much as you feel able to do of the worksheet. Once again, I have included the answers so you can check your work.
Take care,
Mrs Afford and Y4
Week beginning 23rd November
Good morning
Today we are looking at estimating answers.
Watch the PowerPoint and have a go at the True of false question. Scroll down for the answer to see if you are correct.
Then look at the worksheet. There are two pages but only go as far as you feel comfortable as you would in class. You do not need to try to complete it all unless you want to.
I have also included the answers so you can check your work.
Good luck,
Mrs Afford
Week beginning 9th November
This week we will be focussing on subtraction. We will be continuing to use the formal method of vertical calculation, keeping our numbers in the correct columns showing their place value. we will be using numbers up to 4-digits.
we will start with simple subtraction requiring no exchanges and then one exchange, building up to more than one exchange.
Week beginning Monday 2nd November
This week we will be looking at addition and subtraction using formal calculation methods.
The PowerPoint for today is too large to upload but I am working on reducing it inorder to post for you. Formal calculation methods are using place value in columns. We will be focussing on 3 and 4-digit numbers without crossing over and then with crossing over.
Thursday 16th July
Good morning Y4
This is the last time I will be posting your daily work as you will be finishing for the summer tomorrow!
I am sure you will be excited to start activities you have planned over the coming weeks.
To end our Maths remote learning experience we are going to be looking at halves and quarters as decimals. These are the basic decimal fractions that it is really important to know.
I have added two PowerPoints and extra activities to keep you busy in case you find yourself missing maths activities after today
Remain safe and keep smiling.
Love from
Mrs Afford
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning Y4 and happy Wednesday
Today we are going to be investingating rounding decimals.
First of all you will be placing missing decimals on a number line, revising how we set them out between whole numbers;
For example;
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
Then you will looking at which decimals are closest to a whole number.
Look at the numberline above.
Which decimals are nearest to 1?
1.1 is closest to 1
Which decimal is closest to 2?
1.9 is closest to 2.
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Y4
Today we are looking at hundredths as decimals.
This includes identifying numbers that are greater than 1 from a selection of fractions and decimals and matching equivalent amounts.
For example,
0.55 is equal to fifty five hundredth
0.55 = 55/100
67/100 = 0.67
Monday 13th July
Good morning Year 4!
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Today we are looking at hundredths and tenths as a fraction.
You will be looking at different ways to represent this.
For example:
How can you show 54/100 (54 hundredths)
Is this 50/100 + 4/100 or 50/100 + 4/10 ?
Watch the PowerPoints to guide you.
There are a number of activities to choose from.
Or, if you are feeling confident have a go at them all.
Friday 10th July
Good morning my wonderful mathematicians - it's Friday!
You have all been working so hard this week and I am very proud of you all.
Today you will be completing some problem solving questions relating to co-ordinates and translations that you have been studying this week.
I have included two PowerPoints in case you need any more guidence but you can also re-watch any of the PowerPoints from earlier in the week.
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday
Love from
Mrs Afford
Thursday 9th July
Good morning Y4
How did you get on with the shape translations yesterday? It can appear more complicated than it is at first.
Today we are going to be describing the movement; describing how each of the points must move to get to a new point or a specicific point on the grid.
For example;
Point A must move 3 to the right and 2 upwards.
Look at the examples below.
1. Here it shows you how it has moved 3 across and 4 up.
2. It shows how it has moved 12 across and 5 up.
Do not forget that we always calculate or read the x axis first.
This applies when describing movement too.
*** Not all grids use letters for on axis and numbers for the other axis. ***
Some use the same such as two sets of numbers or both axis are labelled with letters.
Wednesday 8th July
Good morning Y4, I'm afraid I spoke too soon regarding the weather didn't I?
Today we are still looking at co-ordinates on a grid but we are looking at how to move them - translate them on the same grid.
First you will be reading the co-ordinates (x axis along the bottom first, then y axis going up second)
Then you will be re-plotting the co-ordinates in a different place. This will translate the original shape to a new place on the grid. These examples below show you the first set of co-ordinates creating the shape and the movement of the shape after the second set of co-ordinates have been plotted.
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning Y4
The sun is finally shinning again!
Today we are focusing on drawing on a grid.
You will see how to plot shapes by either following given co-ordinates or creating your own.
Co-ordinates are written in brackets and are separated by a comma.
The first number is the X co-ordinate (along) and the second number is the Y co-ordinate (up).
There are many ways of remembering this ;
Imagine a plane taking off, along the runway and then up into the air.
Walking into your house and going along a corridor and then up the stairs.
The best way to explain this is to look at an example:
I have included quite a few activity sheets in case you would like lots of practice. The problem solving one is good for interpreting what you see on a grid.
Remember, plot or read the x axis first!
Monday 6th July
Good morning Y4, it's Monday again
This week we are looking at plotting points on graphs and grids.
You will be reading and interpreting them and moving the positions (translation) which will keep you busy
Today we are looking at describing the position of points on a grid (co-ordinates). When reading these you need to remember that you always read the x axis first. This is the horizontal one.
The y axis is the vertical axis and is read second.
They look like this (4, 6) (4 = x, 6 = y)
The co-ordinates of the dog in the picture, are (C,4)
The letters are along the x axis.
The numbers are along the y axis.
A good way to remember which comes first is;
Go along the hall first, then up the stairs.
Friday 3rd July
Good morning Y4
Today we are going to 'Flashback' over all that you have learned about money this week.
The PowerPoint will test you to see what you remember.
I am sure you will be brilliant
There are some Problem Solving Activity sheets for you to have a go at too.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you back here on Monday
Love from
Mrs Afford
Thursday 2nd July
Good morning
Today you are going to be using the four operations to calculate money.
The four operations are; add, subtract, multiply and divide.
We use these when solving problems.
To do this, you need to read the word problem and decide which operation you will need to use to find the answer. sometimes it will need more than one operation to arrive at the final answer.
For example;
Sam has £4.60 and wants to buy a book that costs £5.95.
How much more money does Sam need?
Which operation are you going to use?
You know that you need to find the difference between the money Sam already has and the total he requires. Difference is subtraction. Let's try that.
Your calculation will be
£5.95 - £4.60 =
You may be able to do this mentally, but when solving problems, you should always show your working out.
First of all, convert the pounds and pence into pence.
£5.95 -> 595p and £4.60 -> 460p
Now you can complete your calculation either vertically or horizontally.
595 -
135 Now you have to convert the answer back into pounds and pence = £1.35
Do not forget the decimal point.
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning everyone on this first day of the month
Today we are focussing on using our skills to round numbers to help to estimate money.
Remember, an estimate is a guess it is not the actual answer but it will be close.
We estimate all the time in life. If you are wanting to buy a new carpet, you would estimate the cost by measuring the room, rounding up the numbers to make sure you have too much carpet rather than too little. This will give you an idea of what the price is likely to be.
Rounding numbers to nearest 10;
digits 1, 2, 3, & 4 round down to the 10 below
digits 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 round up to the 10 above
24 -> rounds down to 20
27 -> rounds up to 30
When rounding up or down with pounds, you need to first look at the pence before the pounds.
£5.87 will it round up to £6.00 or down to £5.00?
Look at the pence - 87p if the amount is above 50p then it will round up to the next pound.
Therefore, £5.87 rounds up to £6.00
If it is less than 49p it will round down the the pound below
£8.23 -> £8.00 because the 23p rounds down to the pound below.
Have a go at the True or False Question before watching either PowerPoint and see how you do.
There is a second PowerPoint to watch with a problem solving focus. Watch this, it is interactive, and have a go at the related worksheets.
Tuesday 30th June
Good moring Y4
I hope you enjoyed the money activities yesterday.
Have any of you ever seen a £50 note? the first time I saw one was when I was buying my first car. Yes, a long time ago and it was worth a lot more than it is today. I have never had a £100 in my possession.
Today we are ordering money. I have included two PowerPoints. The second one is related to the Problem solving activities but is still focussed on ordering money. You can do both, or just complete the WhiteRose activity.
You will need to think about the value of the digits to compare amounts.
£4.32 = 4 pounds + 30p + 2p = 432 pence
The digits after the decimal point are fractions of a pound. They are tenths and hundredths.
The decimal point is very important! Any 0s after the decimal point are very important too.
Monday 29th June
Good morning Year 4!
Are you ready for our new maths topic?
This week we are looking at Money.
We will be looking at different coins and notes and their value, different ways to represent money, comparing, estimating and using the four operations to solve money calculations.
Today we are looking at the coins and notes and calculating amounts, showing how these can be represented.
Do you remember the different coins we have? 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 £2
Then we have the notes, £5 £10 £20 £50 £100
You can make all the amounts you need to with these coins and notes so we do not need a 4p coin or a £12 note.
100 pence = 1 pound - 100p = £1.00 Here the 00 are not as important and can be written as £1
120 pence = 1 pound and 20 pence - 120p = £1.20
105 pence = £1.05 Here the 0 is very important as it shows there are no tens, only units.
Friday 26th June
Happy friday Y4!
Today's lesson is a recap on all you have done this week on graphs and charts.
Test your knowledge and understanding on the PowerPoint.
See you on Monday,
Love from
Mrs Afford
Thursday 25th June
Welcome back to our learning about different graphs year 4
Yesterday I introduced line graphs which record data taken over time to show changes to the data.
Today you will continue to investigate line graphs and interpreting (working out) the data they contain.
Once again, have a go at the 'true or false question' before looking at the PowerPoint as this will give you a good idea of what you have already learned.
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning everyone
Are you ready to learn more about how to record data?
Today you will be looking at line graphs.
They record how data changes over time.
During the recent situation, there have been lots of line graphs showing the cases of Covid in different countries and comparisons of R in various locations.
In these line graphs, there have been more than one line plotted. Each country has a different colour so you can see which one is which and where the data is higher or lower.
You will just be focussing on a line graph that shows one set of data.
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning Y4,
Today's lesson is looking at comparisons on graphs and charts. They are a visual way to quickly see results of collected data.
You will be looking at different kinds of charts and graphs again. This time you will be asnwering questions about the data contained in the charts.
Such as how many more children like apples than oranges?
You will need to use your knowledge of the opperations, decide which one you need to use to make the calculation. It is the same as answering a calculation written in numbers.
Therefore, if 18 children prefer apples, and only 7 prefer oranges, your calculation will be:
18 - 7 = 11
The answer in the chart will be the same. You will be finding the difference between the two results. The calculation remains the same: subtraction of the smaller amount from the larger amount.
Have a look at our True or False question before watching the PowerPoint. It will be interesting to see what answer you have BEFORE you have looked at today's work
**** I have also added a Challenge worksheet for those who would like to have a go!
Look carefully at the increments; they go up in 25s which is the challenging part ****
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Y4
This week in Maths we will be looking at Data Handling. You will be reading and interpredicting different graphs and charts to find the information in them.
Today we are looking at Statistics- Interpreting Charts
There are different ways to record data (information). By using tally charts, bar charts, graphs and pictograms, the data can be seen easily. On a bar chart, you can easily see which fruit is the most popular with the children or which fruit is the least popular.
Pictograms are set out like bar charts but use pictures to represent the information. A survey about the number of cars passing school may use a picture of a car to represent 1 vehicle or 2, or even 5. This will be shown on the pictogram key.
Then you can interpret (work out) what the data is telling you and answer questions.
The PowerPoint is interactive so test your knowledge and skills as you go through it.
The answers for the activity sheet are included for you to check your work
Friday 19th June
Hello Y4!
I love creating Rangoli patterns and hope you enjoyed making them too.
As a consolidation of your work on symmetry, I have added a 'Diving into Mastery' PowerPoint on symmetry for you to look at. There is also a quiz to see what you have remembered.
the Diving into Mastery has an activity sheet and answers but unfortunately, I could not convert it from a pdf file so it will require printing. However, you could still look at it and then the answers to see how it should be drawn.
I have added a reflective symmetry block pattern activity sheet for you have a go at. The first block only uses one form of reflective symmetry, but the secon uses two lines of symmetry so your pattern has to reflect sideways as well as above and below.
I love shape and symmetry in maths. I think it is because I am a visual learner.
For the artists there is a 'pinned' butterfly template for you to design your own pattern on. It has the little dots (pins) to help you to create a pattern that has total reflective symmetry.
Have a lovely and possibly (?) dry weekend and I will see you Monday
Love from,
Mrs Afford
Good morning Year 4!
Today it is our fun lesson using what we have learned about symmetry!
You are going to design your very own Rangoli pattern. But what is a Rangoli pattern? Rangoli is an art form from India, when usually symmetrical patterns are created on the ground using materials such as coloured rice, dry flour, coloured sand or flower petals. The purpose of Rangoli is to feel strength, generosity, and it is thought to bring good luck.
Aren't they beautiful?
You can create your Rangoli patterns however you like, you might want to paint them or create them using rice that you have dyed using food colouring (check with an adult first!!)
I have given you some paper versions with different degrees of difficulty here, but it is your choice how creative you want to be! The main rule is your pattern is the same little slice repeated and/or reflected symmetrically all the way around.
Hello Year 4! I hope you managed the questions yesterday, they were pretty tricky!
Today we're going to carry on completing symmetric figures, but some of them are going to be a bit more fun! We are also not going to do any White Rose questions today.
Let's start with a warm up:
I have given you a selection of activities here - you don't have to do all of them, but you can if you would like to! Some are more of a symmetrical drawing activity, and some are more shape based. There is also an online activity - you can choose which you want to do today.
Make sure you keep your mirror or tracing paper handy! Enjoy!
Good morning everyone!
Today we are going to be continuing with symmetry by completing symmetric figures. That means that whatever is drawn on one side of the mirror line, you reflect it on the other side!
Hint 1: using a mirror or some tracing paper to flip a shape or pattern over might be useful if you find it a bit tricky to visualise where lines or shading should be! Ask an adult what you could use to help.
Hint 2: move the design or shape so that the line of symmetry is vertical (going up and down.) This makes it easier to see where things should be reflected!
For some of the designs on the questions, you might need to change both sides of the mirror line to get them to be symmetrical, so make sure you check carefully!
Some of the questions today are quite tricky, so just try your best
Happy Monday Year 4 and welcome back after the weekend! It's lovely to see you here, well done for all of your hard work.
This week in Maths, we are going to be looking at symmetry (with a special extra fun lesson on Thursday which I think you will all really like!)
Today we are starting off looking at lines of symmetry. Symmetry is when something is reflected, like in a mirror. If you have a little mirror in your house then that might be useful this week!
Have a go at these questions, some of this you will have done in the infants so hopefully you will remember!
Hint: turn your page or your head around to look at the shape from different angles. You might find another line of symmetry looking at it upside down!
Yay, it's Friday!
Here is some work to recap on shapes and angles. You will be ordering angles and comparing them using the symbols < and >
< = less than
> = greater than
You will be looking at how angles can be ordered Have you spotted any ways of recognising if a angle is larger or smaller?
If it helps, use an angle checker, (anything that has a right-angle sich as a piece of squared paper) to see if the angle is less than or greater than a right-angle.
Can you find any other clues that an angle is smaller or larger?
Go through the PowerPoint and then hav a go at one of all of the activity sheets to ssee what you have learned over the week.
Have a lovely weekend
Love from,
Mrs Afford xx
Good morning everyone!
Yesterday we looked at different types of triangles. Today we are going to look at different types of quadrilaterals.
A quadrilateral is a four sided shape (quad means four, like a quad bike!) We can also say a quadrilateral is a four sided polygon. The angles inside a quadrilateral add up to 360º .
These polygons can be regular (recognisable with a special name like 'square') or an irregular quadrilateral which is a bit like our scalene triangle yesterday with no sides or angles matching.
In Year 4, we look at some shapes you already know, and some new ones. We need to know: square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium (or trapezoid) and irregular quadrilateral.
There are some rules to decide whether a quadrilateral is regular (with it's own name) or irregular. To do this, we need to know about right angles and parallel sides.
If two lines (or sides of a shape) are parallel, that means they go in the exact same direction and will never bump into each other. Like train tracks!
Here are the rules for the different shapes we will be looking at!
Well done for working so hard at home year 4, you are doing wonderfully. I miss you all every day, but I am so proud of every single one of you!
I have put some little extras into the 'wellbeing' page on the main homework page if you think you need a mood boost this weekend (tell your parents it includes adults too!).
Enjoy your work with Mrs Afford tomorrow, and I will see you back here on Monday. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Byrne xx
Hello Year 4!
So far this week we have been looking at angles. Today we are going to look at triangles!
You all know that a triangle is a 3 sided shape. We could say a triangle is a 3 sided polygon. Polygon means a 2 dimensional (flat) shape formed with straight sides. There are no gaps in the perimeter of a polygon, so we can say it is closed.
So a triangle is a 3 sided polygon. We can be more specific about triangles though - there are different sorts of triangle!
Every triangle can be classified as either:
Good morning everyone!
I hope you all managed your angles work from yesterday. Today we are going to build on that learning by comparing angles.
Remember the key facts:
The higher the number of degrees, the bigger the angle!
See if you can answer these questions. Use the powerpoint as a practise!
Hint: the angle is shown by the curved line drawn across where the two lines join. It's often coloured in red, but not always!
Fancy a challenge? See if you can guess the angle sizes in this game!
Happy Monday Year 4, I hope you all had a good weekend!
Today we are going to be looking at angles.
An angle is a measure of a turn around a point, but when we draw them it looks like two lines intersecting (coming together) at a point. We measure angles in degrees.
Have a go at turning yourself through different angles. For example, if you start facing forwards, then do a quarter turn to the right, you have turned 90° ! (The little circle means 'degrees'.) Can you turn an acute angle? Or an obtuse angle? Can you arrange two pens into an acute angle?
Look around your room - what angles can you see? Maybe you could go on an angle hunt! Is there a particular angle that appears more than others? Why do you think that might be?
Use the powerpoint for some practise, then have a go at answering the questions below! Good luck!
Friday 5th June
Good morning everyone... it's Friday!!
This week you have been looking at time; anologue clocks and digital clocks. Time is a funny thing really. You can't turn it back or speed it up and yet sometimes it seems to go so quickly (usually when you are enjoying yourself) or really slowly.
Here is an interactive PowerPoint on time to help to consolidate the work you have been doing. You can just go through the PowerPoint working out the answers but for those of you with more time on your hands and wanting more of a challenge, or just the practise, there is a worksheet with answers too.
Have a fabulous weekend
Mrs Afford
Hello everyone!
I hope you all managed to work at a level yesterday that was right for you. Today is going to be a bit like that again, with different options depending on how much you know about digital clocks and how confident you feel.
Today we are going to look at the 24 hour digital clock.
We know that there are 24 hours in a day, but analogue clocks only have 12 numbers. We go from 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the morning, and then again from 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the afternoon/evening/night.
Digital clocks can show the morning/afternoon difference in two ways:
1) by going from 1 to 12 twice, using AM to show before noon and PM to show afternoon.
2) by going from 0 to 23 once (0:00 is midnight, 23:59 is one minute before midnight - it never gets to 24:00!)
As you can see, after 12pm (midday), the hours keep getting bigger. Each one is the 12 hour clock + another 12 hours!
If this is too tricky, go back a step, perhaps to yesterday's work, to get some extra practise.
If you are feeling ok, try these questions converting between 12 hour and 24 hour times. There are multiple levels within the first document, so choose which one is right for you.
Good luck, and don't forget to keep practising with your clocks at home!
I hope you enjoy your work with Mrs Afford tomorrow and have a lovely weekend. Well done for working so hard this week, and I will see you back again on Monday!
Miss Byrne
Good morning Year 4! I hope you are all getting back into the swing of things now after your week off.
Today we are going to look at digital time. This is a type of clock face that shows time with numbers instead of hands! ​​​
You may be more used to analogue clocks, or maybe you are more used to digital clocks! They both tell the same times, but in different ways. On an analogue clock, we have an hour hand and a minute hand. On a digital clock, the hour always comes first and the minutes after the :
We know that there are 60 minutes in an hour. We know that a clock face has the numbers 1-12 around it. This means that in between each number there are 5 minutes. For each number on the clock, we can count in 5s to see how many minutes past the hour we have gone.
Note that for digital clocks, we always show minutes as 'minutes past'. There is no such thing as 'minutes to' on digital!
If you are already confident with digital time, you can still do the above activities as practise, but if they are too easy for you then have a go at the questions on this powerpoint and the White Rose questions below. Today we are just looking at the 12 hour digital clock, tomorrow we will begin looking at the 24 hour clock.
Don't worry if you are not up to this point! Time is an area of maths where everyone is at different stages. You choose which stage is right for you and practise at home throughout the day to get used to both analogue and digital clocks.
Good morning everyone!
I hope you all managed your learning about time yesterday.
We talked about how clocks measure short term time in seconds, minutes and hours.
To measure long term time, we use days, weeks, months and years. We can use a calendar to help us measure time when it goes too long for a clock!
Can you remember how many days are in a week, month, fortnight, and year?
1 day => 24 hours
1 week => 7 days
1 month => it depends on the month!
1 year => 12 months
=> 52 weeks
=> 365 days (or 366 days if it is a leap year. Leap years happen every 4 years. 2020 was a leap year! The extra day comes at the end of February as the 29th of February.)
You are going to use this knowledge to help you answer today's questions on time. Like yesterday, I have attached a poster and knowledge organiser to help you, and a powerpoint with some practise questions. Good luck!
Good morning and welcome back Year 4! A massive well done for coming back to your Maths Home Learning today, I am so, so proud of you for doing so!
Our new topic is Time.
Time is a funny thing, isn't it? Sometimes it can seem to go really really quickly, then other times it seems very sloooooow. However we feel about it though, it is always passing steadily. We can use clocks to measure time in the short term - can you remember the different lengths of time shown on a clock?
That's right - seconds, minutes and hours.
Today's learning is going to be about converting from one measure to another.
For example:
5 minutes => 5 x 60 seconds
=> 300 seconds
4 hours and 27 minutes => (4 x 60 minutes) + 27 minutes
=> 240 minutes + 27 minutes
=> 267 minutes
384 minutes => we can count up in 60's to find out how many hours are in 384 minutes. 60 (1), 120 (2), 180 (3), 240 (4), 300 (5), 360 (6), + another 24 minutes
=> 6 hours and 24 minutes
Your times tables will be useful today, especially your 6x table!
Use the powerpoint to help you warm up and practise your conversion skills. There is also a quiz if you are feeling confident!
Once you are ready, have a go at the question sheet and see how you do. Good luck!
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Year 4,
Wonderful to see all the work you have been doing in maths this week You are keeping very busy.
We are going to continue with Improper Fractions (mixed fractions) to end the week.
Have a look at the PowerPoint first, remembering to do so in Slideshow mode.
Apologies for worksheets being in the pdf format but answers do not need to be written on the page. it is visual only.
There are answers included (no sneaky peeking ) on the second sheet.
Have a fabulous weekend,
Love from
Mrs Afford
Ps. don't forget to send in your music videos. Thank you for your fabulous contribution Alfie
Good morning Year 4, I hope you are all well and finding the time to prioritise your mental health during Mental Health Week? You can find details about that (and also the Beatles music video collaboration - don't forget the deadline is tomorrow!) on the main Year 4 Homework page.
Today we are going to look at fractions greater than 1, or fractions that are bigger than one whole. This is when we have improper fractions, or mixed numbers.
This example uses circles to show the wholes, when we did this in class we used bar models.
Next week is half term, so you can enjoy a well-earned break! I have put some fun activities on the main homework page just in case you want something to do across the week
Have fun with Mrs Afford's lesson tomorrow, and I will see you all back here a week on Monday! Don't forget you can always send me and the rest of Year 4 a 'hello' message on the Purple Mash blog to keep in touch until we see each other again.
Take care,
Miss Byrne xx
Good morning everyone, halfway through the week already!
Today we are going to continue practising finding equivalent fractions. Remember you can use the fraction wall to help you to see which fractions line up with each other. If the lines are in the same place on the wall, then those fractions are equivalent.
[Pupils in school: the White Rose videos have been unblocked for the rest of this week, so the links will work now!]
The rule for working out equivalent fractions without the wall is whatever you do to the numerator, you do the same to the denominator. If you divide the top by 3, you must divide the bottom by 3. If you multiply the top by 5, you must multiply the bottom by 5 as well.
Good luck!
Good morning everyone! I hope you all solved the clues yesterday to find out who the new pirate captain was?
Today we are going to revisit equivalent fractions. We were really good at this a few weeks ago when we did this in school, let's see how much you can remember!
The trick is that whatever you do to the top number (numerator), you do the same to the bottom number (denominator).
E.g. 2 (x5) 10
3 (x5) 15
I have attached a fraction wall here to help you see where the fraction bars are lining up with each other showing they are equivalent or equal.
Have a go at the White Rose questions once you have reminded yourself of how to find equivalent fractions. Try as many as you can, don't worry if you can't answer them all! The answers can be found below.
Good luck!
Good morning and Happy Monday Year 4!
Since we have already done a lot of work on the White Rose lesson for today, I have given you something a bit more exciting to do!
You are going to be detectives to find out the mystery of who the new captain should be on board a pirate ship! You will need to use a range of maths skills to uncover the truth!
Good luck!
Friday 15th May
It's Friday again Y4!
This week you have been calculating the perimeter of rectangles and moved onto to linear shapes.
Here is a PowerPoint that shows you how to calculate this in detail and you can choose whether you want to use the grids or not.
I have also included a simple PowerPoint showing you how to calculate the perimeter of shapes ( and throwing in a sneaky bit of 2-D shape revision )
Finally, there is a series of worksheets looking at area and perimter for you to have a go at. Afgain answers are included so you can check your work.
Hello everyone, today we are doing some more perimeter work for our Maths learning. We are moving on from rectangles to rectilinear shapes. (This just means a shape that could be split up into two or more rectangles, for example an L shape.)
We are still a day behind, so we will be using Wednesday's video!
I hope you enjoy what Mrs Afford has planned for you tomorrow and have a rest over the weekend, and I will see you here again on Monday!
Miss Byrne
Good morning Year 4!
Today we are going to be revising perimeter of a rectangle! (We did some area before the Easter break, make sure you don't mix them up!)
Remember we are a day behind, so it is Tuesday's resources we are using!
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had fun over the bank holiday weekend and are feeling refreshed.
I wanted to share a little nugget of advice with you all today before we begin and I'll put this on both the Maths and English pages - we always ask in school for you to try your best. We don't mind if you make a mistake, or if you find something hard as long as you try.
But this is the important part: on some days, your best might look different. On some days your best might be tackling all of the questions and feeling super! On some days your best might be just having a go at one or two questions, and that is okay. No one is perfect every day and we shouldn't expect to be. You are all doing brilliantly and I am proud of each and every one of you
Your maths learning for today is the Monday lesson from BBC Bitesize and the White Rose Home Learning Videos, so make sure you are on the right page!
Well done for all your hard work Year 4, and remember to just try your best, whatever that might look like today.
Miss Byrne
Please see the main 'Homework' page for Year 4 for some 'VE Day' activities on Friday, and a special 'My Life In Lockdown' competition on Monday!
Daily lessons will resume as normal on Tuesday 12th May.
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend, stay safe and take care!
Love Miss Byrne and Mrs Afford
Good morning Year 4, I hope you are looking forward to a long weekend!
Today's maths is a step up with division again, but with an extra digit. Use the BBC Bitesize and White Rose videos to help you, then have a go at the White Rose questions.
Good luck!
Hello Year 4, can you believe we're halfway through the week again already?
So far this week you have recapped your multiplication skills, now we are going to do the opposite or inverse - division.
Use the White Rose video and BBC Bitesize site to remind you how to do it, then have a go at the White Rose questions. Have fun!
Good morning Year 4, I hope you managed to juggle the new format yesterday using White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize!
Today we are looking at multiplication again, but this time with an extra digit.
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all refreshed after the weekend and ready for some more maths today!
White Rose Maths (the resources we have been using for the past few weeks) have teamed up with BBC Bitesize to help give you some more input and activities for your learning.
I would suggest using the BBC Bitesize site and White Rose video to help you understand the task, then do the White Rose questions to practise what you have learnt. (You can do the BBC Bitesize activities as well if you like, or for a change, or if you are finding the White Rose questions too tricky. You choose which work is right for you! )
Today's focus is multiplication.
Happy Friday to you all!
You have been looking at money this week and today you have some consolidation activities based on what you have learned. I am sure you are very good at money; both pounds and pence now
Good morning Year 4!
Today's maths learning is building on what we did yesterday. Today we will be ordering money. (Hint: some of the questions include both pounds and pence, so I would suggest either making all of the amounts pounds, or making all of the amounts pence. That makes it easier to compare them because the decimal points will be in the same place!)
Hello Year 4, we're halfway through the week already!
Today we are going to use all of your practice with decimals to tackle some problems about money. Imagine that the pounds are the whole numbers (ones) and that the pence are the tenths and hundredths after the decimal point.
Use the video and powerpoint to help you, then have a go at answering the questions below.
Good luck!
Happy Tuesday Year 4!
Today we are looking at halves and quarters and what the decimal equivalents are to them.
Use the White Rose video to explain our learning and have a look at the powerpoint before tackling today's questions.
Have fun!
Welcome back to a new week Year 4, I hope you are rested after the weekend and ready to get going again!
Today we are going to be rounding decimals to the nearest whole number. This is just like rounding whole numbers except there is a decimal point in the middle! Like last week, use the video and the powerpoint to learn and practise, then have a go at as many questions as you can.
Good luck!
Friday 24th April
Good morning Year 4!
You have been working hard on your decimals this week and learning to order them and use the signs <, > and = to show less than, greater than and equal to.
Today, you have a PowerPoint that consolidates this week's learning. I have also included an activity sheet and answers so you can check your work.
Keep working, it's almost the weekend
Hello Year 4, I hope you are all keeping well!
We are going to be building on what we did yesterday in comparing decimals today to focus on ordering decimals. Just like yesterday, remember your place value - which digit is worth more than the others?
Well done for your hard work this week, I'll be back on Monday. Enjoy tomorrow's work from Mrs Afford and have a lovely weekend! - Miss Byrne
Good morning Year 4, we will be continuing with decimals today! Today we will be comparing decimals, in other words which ones are bigger or smaller than others.
You will need to use your understanding of place value here. Do you remember how we order numbers with Th H T O ? You start looking at the biggest digit, then the next, then the next. The same rules apply with decimals!
Good morning!
Today's task is about writing decimals correctly - be careful to remember the difference between tenths and hundredths!
Like yesterday, you can watch Tuesday's video on this website for a starter quiz and an explanation of today's learning.
Then have a go at as many questions as you can below!
Welcome back to your Maths home learning page! Your brains have had a chance to recharge over the Easter break after all of your hard work over the past few weeks. I hope you're ready to get cracking with your new tasks!
Today's learning is about finding the whole using decimals.
You can find a video to go with this lesson (plus a quick 'flashback' starter with 4 questions!) at this website:
Then you can find your questions with the answers below. Have a go at as many questions as you can!
Good luck!
Good morning Y4!
You have been finding the area of shapes and using squares to recognise area of shape and perimetre. This is delving into mastery of the topic. Looka t the PowerPoint on slideshow as it is interactive and then have a go at the worksheets to consolidate your fantastic learning.
I have included the answers for you to check your work.
Have a happy weekend
Mrs Afford
Today we are continuing with finding the area of shapes. Remember, perimeter is the length of the outside of the shape as if you were walking on the line, and area is the space inside the shape.
Today's task follows the same format as the previous two days. Have a look at the powerpoint, then choose which page of questions you feel confident tackling. Page 1 if you are unsure, page 2 if you are confident, page 3 for an extra challenge! Answers are on the final page.
Good luck!
Today we are moving on to counting squares for finding the area of shapes.
Like yesterday, work through the powerpoint then have a go at the questions. In the question documents, page 1 is for beginners, page 2 for when you are confident, page 3 for a challenge! The final page has the answers for you to check your work against.
Have fun!
For the next few days, we are going to do some revision on how to find the area of shapes. We have not done this in a few weeks - let's see what you can remember!
Look through the powerpoint and then have a go at some of the questions. If you are a bit unsure or want some practice first, start on page 1. If you are feeling confident, start on page 2. If it's too easy on these pages, challenge yourself of page 3!
The answers are on the final page of each document.
Good luck!
Welcome to a new week of maths learning Year 4! Well done for all of your hard work so far.
Today's lesson is about answering word problems and figuring out what the question is asking you to do. Sometimes it helps to draw a diagram to 'see' what the question is asking (the video will show you how!)
Some of these questions are to do with DIFFERENCE, or what is the difference between two numbers. This doesn't mean look to see whether one is a multiple of 2 or not, it means how many numbers are in between them. In other words, how much have we had to change one number to get to the other one? What is different about it? We usually use subtraction, or take away, to find the answers to these questions. Not every question is like this though, so be careful!
The video explains different methods you may want to try to answer these questions. The questions in red on the task sheet are worked through in the video and the answers are on the final page.
Have fun!
If any of you would like to go over the tasks and concepts from last week (tenths, hundredths, dividing by 10 and 100), the link below will take you to the White Rose Home Learning page. This includes the answers and short video clips.
(Please note, this does not line up exactly with what we have been doing, but it is close with a lot of overlap and a very useful resource!)
Today in maths, you are going to be consolidating all that wonderful work you have been doing on Fractions; of shapes and quantities.
I have had to divide the PowerPoint into two halves (fractions ) as I did with the Art as the file was too big. Remember that it is interactive so you need to select 'slideshow' on the top toolbar.
There are some worksheets included covering the same learning objectives as in the PowerPoint so have a go! Do as many as you feel comfortable doing. The answers are included.
Have fun!
Mrs Afford
Today's task is some consolidation (or extra practise to make sure you really know it!) questions on decimals.
There is a tricky challenge question at the end for those of you who are confident!
Dividing by 100 - varied fluency and problem solving.
Resources including a game and videos to explain how to divide by 100 can be found below under Monday's links.
If you are feeling confident and want to challenge yourself, try to go further than the questions I have set you!
Triangles and Rectangles - Q 1-5.
Squares - Q 1-8.
Pentagons and Circles - Q 1-10.
Have another look at the resources from yesterday to remind you of how to divide by 10.
Today's task is some varied fluency and problem solving tasks to do with dividing by 10!
If you are feeling confident and want to challenge yourself, try to go further than the questions I have set you.
Good luck!
Triangles - Q 1-5.
Rectangles - Q 1-7.
Squares - Q 1-5.
Pentagons - Q 1-6.
Circles - Q 1-6.
Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
Choose whether you want to do page 1 if you are a bit unsure, page 2 if you feel confident or page 3 for a challenge!