Curriculum map 2020/21
Please note there have been a few changes in our curriculum due to school closure due to Covid. However, these are only small and mostly have just been a rearrangement of topics in different terms.
The Y4 Multiplication Check
You can find out more about this if you log onto
This is the new Multiplication test for Y4 that we informed you about in Autumn 2020.
It is exactly the same layout as the tables practise that the children complete on Purple Mash.
We recommend that you encourage your child to practise all the times tables to 12 as often as possible.
They can select the tables they wish to answer on Purple Mash so some of them have not been practising the higher tables as much as they should. Each session only takes 5-10 minutes.
They have now all taken the practice test and will be sitting the actual test next week (week beginning 14.6.21) so as much extra practise they can do at home will benefit their confidence and achievement.
Thank you,
Mrs Afford