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Year 5

May 2018- Summer term!

Our first week in Year 5!



Welcome to Year 5! 

Mrs Day is our fantastic Teaching Assistant who helps us every morning and the lovely Mrs Owens helps us every afternoon. 


Mrs Cooper smiley


Reading and spelling

 Please encourage your children to read as much as possible at home to an adult and record notes in the Reading log.  Spellings should be practised as much as possible as well please. 







Welcome to Summer 2 !


I can't believe we are in Summer 2 already- where has the year gone?! I hope you had a lovely half term and the children enjoyed lots of time to play outside and have some fun. It will be a very busy half term coming up- lots more work to do, lots of fun with sports afternoon, Year 6 transition activities, soup making etc etc..! Please continue to support your child with reading and spellings at home. We are having a focus on our mental maths skills so lots of times tables practice would be really useful too! Don't forget Purple Mash, Sum dog and Times Tables rockstar can all be used to help with these. 


Thank you for your continued support- Mrs Cooper smiley

Designing clothes for our adverts

Recording our Hajj news reports

Birkdale boys- Creative writing workshop

Excitedly reading our letters from Rwanda!

Good bye Mr Colton!

Terracotta army - our own version!

Royal wedding party- thank you for the food contributions!

Paper making



    Summer 1 - How we used to live 


Welcome to the Summer term! This term we will be continuing our Ancient Egyptian topic and then in English we will be looking at the Victorians and Oliver Twist.  

Our trip this term is to go and see the Terracotta Warriors at the World Museum- we will also be having a Chinese day. 

In Science we will be finishing our unit looking at Changes of Materials and then Living things and their habitats. 



Using Numicon to create Roman Numerals

Science experiment- adbsorbancy

R.E lesson- How did Daniel feel on his way to Babylon?

English group work- looking at book reviews

Science day March 2018




Welcome to Spring 2- the year is flying past! smiley For our topic this half term we will be looking at Myths and Legends in English and then Explanations. We will be finding out about Great Inventions from the past and then trying to design our own inventions as part of our Science and English work. 

We have a busy half term ahead with Bikeability, our Love wise parent meeting, World Book day, Parents evenings and our class assembly! As you know swimming continues and there is a swimming gala coming up which the children will be doing time trials for. 

Please keep checking the website for homework, spelling lists and photos of what we have been doing! 

Thank you

Mrs Cooper 



Fun investigating Egyptian artefacts!

Science- Materials and their properties hunt

Investigating materials and their properties in my car!

R.E Freeze frames of the Easter story

African afternoon with Rachel Bray- learning about Rwanda

Hunting for 3D shapes- prisms

Class worship- the modern version of the Lost coin parable!

Science Friction experiment- which materials make the best brake pads?

RE work- thinking about the Bible characters of Ruth and Naomi

Stories from other cultures- practising using dialogue

Christmas catwalk and After eight challenge!

Christmas Talent show and Christmas hat making!

Getting Creative - Making Christmas Cards in Year 5

Busy designing, cutting and sticking. It's all such fun and we hope you love the end result!

Fri 15th Dec


In Year 5 this week we did our Christmas play and it was all about The Miracle in town.


On Monday we are having our auditions for our St Philips got talent Christmas edition and I bet everyone's looking forward to it.


This week in R.E we were tasting Christmas foods from around the world- some were delicious ~(especially Tabssum's Mums samosas!) ! We didn't like some of them though ! We gave them marks out of 5 and thought about why they had these different types of food.


In Science we made boats and raced them in a tub of water! It was great fun to see whose boat was the quickest, whose went backwards and whose didn't go anywhere!





R.E- tasting Christmas food from around the world

Science- making boats to test water resistance

Following instructions in English to make rain gauges

Fun making our Christmas crafts!

Following instructions to play card games

Science lesson- measuring mass and weight of objects

Class worship- The Good Samaritan

This weeks class blog - Friday 10th Nov


This week was a very exciting week, we have learnt a lot about Remembrance Day and we got to bring in our own technology for example computers, I-pads.


Today on Friday 10.11.17 in the morning, we watched Year 3 assembly about Roald Dahl.


By Emily and Daisy


Autumn Term 2 ! What have we been up to so far?

ICT Fundraiser

Time Team artefact investigation in History


Fri 13th Oct


This week we have done lots of fun activities we did Art: It was so much fun we sketched some apples and everyones was amazing! We used all types of colours like red,orange,yellow and green.


In English we designed our own adverts at the start -we picked three things, a place, a key word and an audience it was so fun! In maths we have done multiplication and subtraction with decimals! It sounds really hard but it is quite easy if you try!                                                                           

Millie and Olivia                                                      

Class worship- Weds 11th Oct

English presentations- persuasive speeches to sell a place or product

R.E lesson- looking at Bible verses and thinking how they would help/comfort a Christian


Oct 6th 2017


   This weeks class blog is about what we enjoyed, making bees for Harvest Festival, solving mysteries for Emoji-maths and going to St.Philips church to practice our Harvest Festival play.  Our mission is to help Rwanda by sending in honey jars in with money in them and to save the bees all around the world. We want to say thank you to God.


Daisy and Syd

Autumn 1 photos


Class 5C Blog


       Zoe, This week I have enjoyed sketching a flower in Art with Mrs Afford . I have also enjoyed        doing times tables with Mrs Day. Mrs Cooper is a great teacher and has amazing teaching skills.

       Maggie, this year so far I have enjoyed reading Cosmic. I enjoyed doing the bees in art with Mrs afford.  Mrs cooper is a good teacher and makes good decisions.

       Zoe , I love year 5C, this school is the best.


Zoe and Maggie  


    (P.S The girls did write this without any prompting from me! frown Mrs Cooper)


Class Worship - Wednesday 26th September 2017

Thank you to Ruby, Morgan, Ben ands Syd for leading our class worship this week. They performed the story of Jonah and the Whale and we learned that we should listen to what God asks us to do and obey him. At the end of the story, the people of Ninevah have turned to God from their evil ways and been saved from destruction and we saw that God loves the people he has made. It was great to welcome some of the worship leaders' parents to watch their children perform. Here are some photo's for you to enjoy! We hope you can pop in when your children are leading class worship. We'll let you know when that will be.

Science Worskshop at Greenbank - Monday 24th September 2017

Brainstorming ideas in English

History work- sorting time periods - learning about chronology

Lovely work from this maths group!

Place value game