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Summer Term News

Welcome back!
We cannot believe that we are in our final term! Please can you ensure that children have water bottles, sun hats and apply sun cream before school if necessary.

This half term we will continue with traditional tales and then move onto life cycles and mini beasts, particularly looking at caterpillars. we have a school trip planned before half term. More information will follow on that.
We also continue to work on key skills to ensure that children will meet the expected level of development for Reception aged children. This includes:

  • Reading and understanding simple sentences
  • Using phonic knowledge to decode words and read tricky words too
  • Talk about the story that they have read
  • Writing simple sentences which can be read
  • Counting reliably, recognising and ordering numbers up to 20
  • Say which number is one more or one less than a given number
  • Add and subtract numbers, counting on and back
  • Problem solving
  • Shape and pattern recognition
  • Talk about size, weight, height, capacity, position, distance, time and money

Please come and chat if there is anything you would like more help or information on.
Thank you.

