Dear Parents/Guardians
We are delighted with our home/school maths books. They are a fabulous resource that covers all aspects of the Year 3 maths curriculum and we will be using these most weeks for our weekly maths homework.
The homework won’t always be a continuation of the previous week so in school we will make sure the children write the correct page in the table below. Homework will be given out on a Thursday to be returned the following Wednesday.
Please feel free to look through the book as this will give you a good idea of the expectations with regards to the Year 3 maths curriculum but we do ask that you only complete the pages assigned for homework that week.
Kind regards, Mrs Maguire
Summer Term 2021
Week ending…… | Page number |
23/04/21 | Maths Books Pages 29 |
30/04/21 | Maths Books Pages 25, 26, 28 and 29 |
07/05/21 | Daedalus and Icarus Connectives - See English Homework |
14/05/21 | Maths Books pages 27, 30 - 32 |
21/05/21 |
04/06/21 | History Task |
11/06/21 | On Purple Mash - Science Light |
18/06/21 | On Purple Mash - Possessive Apostrophes |
25/06/21 | Pages 36 and 37 of Maths book |
02/07/21 |
9/07/21 |
16/07/21 |