Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


September 2016



Good bye to Year 6

It's always sad to say good-bye but you're all more than ready for high school.

Enjoy every moment of your exciting adventure ahead.


Have we grown since September?

July 2017


Leaver's Disco



Summer Term already!  

Please remember water bottles during the hot weather - your children are really thirsty after playing out in the playground. 


Year 6 Production

Well done everyone - you all did a great job. 





Mrs Lund is off to the Houses of Parliament next week.

Year 6 have been thinking of questions to ask about our democracy. Some of them are below.

Image result for houses of parliament

Have you ever got lost in the Houses of Parliament?

What made you want to become an MP?

What is the most exciting thing about Parliament?

Is it hard to be an MP?

What is the actual role of the Prime Minister?

How many times are laws checked before they are made?

How could we get rid of the House of Lords if we thought it was a good idea to do so?

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see more of what we've been learning about our democracy.



 Star of the week - 7.7.17        



 Star writer - 30.6.17                                                      



At the moment - homework is to make sure you know your lines for our production. 

You not only need to know what you are saying but also where you say it. 



Sports Day


Fun in the sun !

Congratulations to the sprint winners. 


Well-deserved ice lollies


Year 6 go to the polls


See below for information about the Year 6 vote on election day.

It was a Labour landslide


Liverpool Cathedral Leaver's service 

We  joined hundreds of other Year 6 children from the area to celebrate our primary years and look forward to high school. 



What a hot, but fun ride. 






Year 6 you have been absolutely fantastic. You have made us so proud; amazed us with your bravery and determination; and made us laugh and laugh.
Thank you for being such brilliant company and for giving 100% to all the activities - you pushed yourselves out of your comfort zones and tried your very best. 
A huge well done to you all. 


Big smiles all round! 

SATS Week  

Well done Year 6 -  you have all  worked really hard and behaved so maturely during SATS .
Please be proud of yourselves - we are extremely proud of you all. 

End of SATS treat ! 

Lots more photos in the folder below.




All of Year 6 have been stars this week

   Going for Gold   

Our first gold award winners!! 
Fantastic achievement - you have to be pretty snappy at times tables to be awarded gold

Gold Award Winners

Silver Award Winners

Bronze Award Winners  

We are very proud of our first group of bronze badge winners -
they are able to give instant responses to random questions on their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables,  as well as chant them. 
It's not as easy as it sounds - every answer has to be given at speed and every answer correct first time. 
Well done everyone - now to prepare for your silver! 

Bronze Award Winners

SATS Information

Thanks to everyone who came to the SATS information evening, I hope you found it useful. 
If you weren't able to come, please follow the link below to watch an short film
about the organisation and expectations during SATS week and read the government issued document below. 

2017 Key Stage 2 tests

A summary of the Key Stage 2 tests that Year 6 pupils will take in England in May 2017. Aimed particularly at parents. A downloadable version is available for schools to use here: The standard KS1 version is available here:

8th May

9th May

10th May

11th May


Grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions

Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning


Grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling

Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning


Script Writing Workshop

Exploding Volcanoes!!

What a beautiful day to go outside to explode our volcanoes.
Vinegar, bicarbonate soda and paint did the job.  
More photos in folder below.



Year 6 have been  extremely scientific today.
They are, now, all electricity experts and trained up to become electrical engineers.
We have have some super scientists in the class,  
full of enthusiasm, curiosity and a desire to learn. 

More photos in folder below



Reverend Marie Anne  brought our RE lesson  to life today
when she taught Year 6 about The Eucharist .


Great costumes Year 6. 

Yum! Delicious!
Apple of my Eye Cookery

Apologies for not bringing  our stir fry home to share, but it needed eating white it was hot. 

More super chef photos below

Thank you to Reverend Marie Anne for inviting us all to Church today and to all the parents and Church members for the delicious pancakes. 

More photos below.


Soup and Shelter Day

Thank you for all the £1 donations. 
All the money will go to the soup kitchen to help support people less fortunate than ourselves.
We enjoyed some tomato soup outside, in the playground, to experience how it may feel for a  homeless person to be reliant on others for food and to be eating outside, even in the winter.


Disco Day !!!

Year 6 taught their buddies all their moves.  
More photos in the folder below.   

Internet safety day



To celebrate Safer Internet Day,  some of Year 6 read a play script to the rest of the class.
Then, all the children thought about the negatives and positives of the internet and  wrote their own promises,  so that everyone would be happier and safer whilst on-line.

More  promises below.


Thank you for you generosity today.
Our pot of pound coins, for the N.S.P.C.C., was very full.
Please remember to send sponsor money into school as soon as possible -  it's all going to a great charity.



Your children have wowed us with their persuasive writing this morning. They all had very different ideas about what should be banished to Room 101.
Max won the class vote with his entertaining speech about PPI!!
Well done Max



Last term our classroom was decorated with lots of amazing caves
which were built by the children for homework. 

This term, during Geography lessons,  Year 6 will be learning about natural disasters. We will be getting messy, building volcanoes!

Check out the photos in the folders below - there are lots more lovely pictures of your children at work and play.

Today has been the most exciting day of the year!
Year 6 met their buddies for the first time. 
All Year 6 were just gorgeous with the reception children and we were delighted to see how well they bonded.
