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Be Free Celebration morning!

Bastille Day July 2019

Visit to Birkdale Taster day

Faith in action day 2019

Visit of the Imam from our local mosque

Class worship

Atkinson trip

Soup making and tasting!

Tasting soup!

Year 5 and 6 Cross Country team

English work- linked to Oliver Twist- finding out about street children and charities who are helping them

Science experiment- looking for reversible and irreversible changes!

P.E- tennis

Group work

Easter art work- The Victory of the Resurrection!


Egyptian homework


Wow! Miss Hankinson and myself were astonished at some of the effort that has gone into the Egyptian homework! Well done to everyone for working so hard on them! We loved the powerpoints, pyramid models, paintings, posters, drawings, games and the yummy food! Well done Year 5- we are very proud of you! Take a look at the photos below to see our fabulous work! 

Science experiment- separating materials

Red nose day fun

Forensic afternoon at Birkdale High

Class Worship- Africa!

Looking at Egyptian artefacts -Time teams!


Investigating Egyptian artefacts

Fractions! Changing mixed numbers to improper fractions

Chronology- looking at change over History

#DoTenThings Good to be me! Yoga!

Science- looking at materials, their uses and properties

Pom pom making ready for Pom Pom Prayer day!

Class worship- courage

African dancing

Maths- using cones, metre rulers, chalk and tap measure to create shapes with a certain area

R.E - what was Ruth like? What things might she say?

Perimeter- Maths week 1 Spring term

Wow starter! Where in the world? Africa! Designing a new national park

Performing Christmas poetry

Christmas jumper day and Christmas fair

North America Day - tasty food and totem pole making!

Christmas food from around the world- RE lesson

Gymnastics lesson- using the apparatus

Packing the wash bags - our Advent gift for Lakeside Church

Teaching our new games to Year 1- English lessons and PE combined!

Jazzy Jinks!

Birkdale challenge activities

Follwing instructions to make rain gauges in English

English- following instructions to play card games

Respect sports work shop with Hettie from the Schools work team

NSPCC Workshop

R.E homework- Parables

Prayer Spaces- perseverance, using God's power, aiming for our goals

Maths - making Roman Numerals out of apparatus

Maths additon and subtraction word problems - group work

Crucial Crew visit

Jazzy Jinks - first singing practice!

Group work in English- collecting ideas to sell our holiday destinations

Making sentences with Relative clauses

R.E lesson with Tabz- looking at The Bible

Spelling practice fun- Connect four!

Ordering numbers game

History time lines- What does chronology mean?

Place value work using Dienes apparatus

R.E Timeline

Our first morning in Year 5!
