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Latest News and Photos

Year 5's Outstanding Olympic Day!

Playground concert!

Secret Student Reward Trip to King's Garden

Active Education Day

Comparing Southport and Madrid in Geography

Fund raising bake sale led by Year 5 pupils for their chosen charity!

Making boats in DT! (Science link)

Easter Walkthrough 2021

Learning about rivers in Geography!

Year 5 worked with an Urban Designer to offer suggestions on how to improve Southport in the future!

Remembrance Day - Year 5 investigated how safe Southport was during WW2

British Values - we designed our own posters to put up in class

Performance Poetry of 'The Highwayman' in English!

Geography Field Trip with Sustrans Southport Neighbourhood Project!

Friendship Class Worship

#HelloYellow - we created bunting full of tips for better mental health, and designed our own 'Yellow' mental health superheroes!

We ran a special Daily Mile at the same time as other Year 5 classes across Sefton!

'Magpie-ing' fantastic vocabulary in English

Creating our own 'Worry Monsters' to help eat our worries!

Creating our own Solar System

Writing Superstars!
