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Your child will receive weekly spellings that will be given in their purple homework books. Children are expected to practise their spellings in their purple homework books each week. We will be working hard on developing and securing our spellings over the year; therefore, it is important for all children to practise their spellings daily over each week and to revise words that they may not be secure in. Children will be working hard to achieve their spelling badge awards: Bronze, Silver and Gold in their Spelling Passports. Please find below links to the documents for the curriculum spellings as well as a copy of the Spelling Passport words.

Spelling tests will be every Friday morning.


For information on how to support your child in learning their spellings, please visit our English page under our Curriculum icon at the top of the website page.

Please ignore the first column!

Spellings Spring 2 2021

Don't forget to learn your Spelling Passport words and achieve your badges! In Year 6, we need to be confident with all Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and 6 words so at the start of this year- let's get to grips and revise all the previous year words first!

Spelling Passport Words to Practise weekly
