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Pupils working at Greater Depth

All children are challenged to achieve their very best at St Philip's. Pupils who are working at Greater Depth are monitored closely in pupil progress review meetings with the class teacher and Head. Children's progress is tracked closely from EY to KS1 and onto KS2.

At St Philips we have fostered close links with our local high schools, sports clubs, theatres and FE Colleges. This enables us to utilise both their staff and their resources for those children who require extra challenge.  We also use our parent population, who share their skills and talents in areas such as textiles, music and the Arts.

Our most able children are encouraged to take part in activities which further stimulate, engage and motivate them in whatever area they are showing ability.  Our most talented children are supported to share their talents, take further examinations or accreditations and most importantly to share their gifts and talents with not just the school population but the wider community. 
Further information is available on request about the progress made by our most able children.
