Home Page

Latest News and Photos


Geography - Trip to Southport

Science - Circuits investigation - Will it light?

RE - Faith in action by Year 6

HSBC - The Lost Purse!

Science - Investigating sound

Big Art Morning - He Is Risen!

Red Nose Day 2023

British Science Week - Connections

Narnia - Through the wardrobe into (our own) Winter Wonderland!

World Book Day - Poetry Fest!

PE - Gymnastics

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake social

Valentine's Disco

Class Worship - Love

Brass Music lessons

PE - Golf

Christmas party day!

DT / Art Christmas cards

Year 4 Nativity Production

DT - Making Roman shields for our History

Science - Investigating tooth decay

Children in Need Day

Our trip to Southport Mosque

Inter-Faith Week

Remembrance Day

History - Legacy of The Romans

English - Poetry performances

Class Worship - Hope

Reading Our Information Booklets

Harvest and Creative Pause Day

Science Investigation - Classification Keys

Police Van Celebrating Black History Month

Reverend Rachel visit to our RE lesson

National Fitness Day

Geography - Using iPads to explore our local area

RE - The story of David and Jonathan

PSHCE Learning - New Beginnings

Getting some exercise in with the Daily Mile!

Return to school games

Meet the teacher evening
